Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I Realize it's Been 8 Months

But I need to get these thoughts out.

I'm listening to my "bike ride" playlist from three summers ago, and it's super great, but making me miss so much.

Friends, beach, bike rides, warm weather, high school times, summer, mission trips, car rides, Virginia Beach, home, and a lot of little things that would sound weird listed out.
I love my current life. I've always loved life. But I also always get super weirded out by the super quick movement of time and rapid change that comes with it. I like change. When I dictate. I don't dictate time. Sometimes it's scary.

So many decisions hanging in front of my face. Not to mention four term papers, two mosaics, a portfolio, another paper, two presentations, and a group project. Hey Abi, you're a Junior, remember?

The chapel and my friends are holding me in place these days, and I'm loving every second of stressful, fun, crazy, late-night college life. I can't wait for this weekend, for spring break, for backpacking with Brian, for summer, for graduation, for grad school?for traveling, for living in a tree house, for marriage, for kids, for grandkids, for retirement, for traveling the world's coasts in a houseboat.

Watch out world, here I come.

playing: "The time that I've taken, I pray it's not wasted. Have I already tasted, my piece of one sweet love?" -sara bareilles
love, abi
