Thursday, November 29, 2012

Day 71: Tomato, Tomato

Tonight on my way to work (I love the walk from school to work, it's so pleasant), as I was walking through the neighborhood, I got to the point where I am at the highest elevation of the walk and from atop the hill I can see over a lot of the city and out towards the harbor and the moon was still pretty low in the sky, and it just looked really bright and beautiful.

But it was weird, as I got to the top of the hill, I felt like I could see the moon beams lighting on my home across the ocean. It immediately sounded in my mind like the cliche you hear in movies when two lovers speak about sharing the same sky so they don't feel so far from each other, and I'm sure I've said something similar to people before, too. But this time it felt real; the sky was actually connecting me to those thousands of miles away. If I had a periscope or something, I could have held it up and through it seen my family, my friends by the light of the moon that hadn't yet risen for them.

The song that goes "tomato, tomahto, potato, potahto, let's call the whole thing off" always seemed like just a joke to me, because no one REALLY pronounced tomato like "toMAHtoe." But it is no joke. Yesterday I was host at my restaurant and the soup of the day was "Cream of Tomato," and you won't believe how many comments I got for my pronunciation. But I also got four US dollars when one guy found out I was American--his "leftovers"--I'll take it.
some of MY leftovers ;)

Last week was a school fail, since I was planning and preparing for Thanksgiving and then having Thanksgiving and then "continuing my Thanksgiving break". This week I tried to be a better student. I only skipped one day...But it was an accident! And in my defense, I spent the day working on coursework anyways.
Also in the news for this week: I get paid for the first time tomorrow (slash midnight tonight). I was given the greatest of early Christmas presents by my dear friend Taylor Cathey--a Premium subscription to Spotify for a month, so I can freely listen to music and sing all the Christmas carols I could ever want to sing. I am going on a retreat for this weekend to somewhere like 4 hours from here, closer to the west coast of Scotland. I left work sick tonight after eating some (apparently)tainted, vegetable cuisine they had in the staff room. Life.

Quote of the day (from the movie Amazing Grace that I watched a couple weeks ago with some friends): William Wilberforce: No one of our age has ever taken power.
Pitt the Younger: Which is why we're too young to realize certain things are impossible. Which is why we will do them anyway.
a bridge on my walk from work to my apartment
a church on my walk from work to my apartment

Song of the day: Maybe Tonight-Margaret Durante (Thanks, Laurel)

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures; the moon looks just like it does here in Virginia :) I miss you!!!

