Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day 48: Election Day

I wish I could be home in America on this big day for my country. I'm praying for all of you.
There is so much I could say on the election, but I won't.

I can't believe I've been over here for 48 days.
Here are some trivial opinions I have formed on certain things:

I like the candy
I don't like the ice cream
I like haggis
I don't like the bacon
I don't like the currency
(or the exchange rate)
I do like that I will convert pounds to dollars at the end of the year when I go home, though ($$$)
I like my courses alright
I don't like my campus

And now here is an analogy I'd like to share with you:

Praying is like blowing snot rockets while jogging--
You start off never doing it, it's not even on your mind, then one day your nose is super runny and you don't know what to do about it, so after suffering through the snot and wiping your nose on your own sleeve for a while, you check to make sure absolutely no one is around, and then you engage the rocket. You feel so relieved. Then the next time you have a runny nose, it is the first thing you think to do, but again, you check to make sure no one is around, and then you go for it. As this goes on you begin to see that snot rockets are the best way to cure the runny-jogger's nose, and the sleeve isn't an option anymore, so, you start to do it more freely; you still make sure no one is looking your way, but you don't need the streets to be completely clear anymore. Your comfort with the act continues to grow, and soon you realize just how vital this act is, that you barely hesitate in doing it; at the first sight of a sniffle, your finger is poised to close one nostril. The snot rocketting becomes enjoyable, a pleasure, fun, even, and as long as someone won't be directly assaulted by the rocket you stop caring who is watching you, or who knows you are blowing snot rockets. After all, it's a runner's life, and you gotta keep yourself able to breathe somehow.


  1. Abi!Praying and snotrockets--nice!--kinda like farting a SBD and hangin close to see who makes first contact! :-)

    1. HAHAHA, mr Holloway, you are the best, and that is so true.

