Friday, May 6, 2011

First Day of Work

On my quest to find a new job, I have been so far unsuccessful, so I am being schedule by Coldstone, to hold me over, until someone else hires me. Which I hope happens.
Today will be my first day working. 3-10/11 on 8th street, if they don't cancel due to the weather.

I've finished two books in the past 3 days. The Princess Bride and The Last Battle. They were both good, and now I must move on. Should I read Cold Mountain or Les Mis next?

I also painted something for my mom for Mother's day yesterday. It's a picture of St. Cecilia, her patron saint. But I'm really not happy with it. It's my first time painting this sort of thing, a figural piece. I've only ever drawn them before, and I didn't think how much different and harder it would be to get paint to work with you like a pencil does. Anyways, it looks a little Van Gogh-y, which I was kinda going for, and I spent a while on it, so I will give it to her anyways, and if she decides to trash it, that is up to her. (but she's my mother, so she never would, haha)
Now I'm off to help at the YOA golf tournament until I must go to work.
Katie comes home tonight, and Sam tomorrow! my world is getting better. Plus, Olivia will be back in June for the rest of the summer!
Mom's St. Cecilia

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