Monday, August 8, 2011

6 Days!

6 days of summer left
2 days with Virginia
2 days until Becca comes visit
3 days until Sam comes home
3 days until the first and last Fab 4 sleepover of the summer

But summer only really ends when I let it.
Work is seeming very tedious these days, I just wanna have fun! But I must be responsible (which is why I'm spending my time waiting for Virginia starting to pack)
So Many things to do in so little time.
I just got a bunch of stuff on tax free weekend, for school. Including three pairs of overalls, yep, I'm bringing 'em back. School is going to be hilarious, slash my presence at school is going to be hilarious.

I wonder if I could pull off not taking a shower until I have to leave for school? It's already been since Thursday so, I could make it six more, right? Why not? We'll see.
I'm also realizing how hilarious this summer was, and how much it feels like it hasn't existed. Sam and I never finished our tree house, stupid broken wrist and then vacations. We still have some time though! I didn't finish any grad school applications; still time! I tore my ACL again....I have nothing redeeming to say about that, besides, "suck it up, kid" to myself. There have been no waves at all this summer until these past few days and yesterday I couldn't even go outttttttttt, but I am today and I did the day before. I have only seen Becca like 3 times? Stupid Richmond, but she is coming on Wednesday!

Long Live Summer 2011!

song of the day: I want it to be Knee Deep again because I just love that so much, but Here for a Good Time- George Strait is playing right now, and it sounds about right for my present state, so I choose it. "I ain't here for a long time, I'm here for a good time"

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