Saturday, January 5, 2013

Day 109: Sights and Siblings

So, 20 days from my last post, where I was procrastinating on doing the work I needed to get done before my amazing trip, I am back at my computer attempting to do that very same work. It's due Monday, NBD.

The trip was awesome, but how could galavanting through Rome, Assisi, Florence, Venice, Salzburg, and southern Germany and Bavaria with some awesome sibs not be awesome? It was a recipe for success, and, yes, because we are family, there were times when we got on each other's nerves or had little spats, but those moments pale in comparison to the food, wine, jokes, and unforgettable memories shared.
Beginning in Rome, it kind of felt like I was living a dream. A dream that I had conjured so many years ago and had kindled through the years with the viewing of the Lizzie McGuire movie and with my art history courses at Mary Washington. There was so much to see in Rome that it would be impossible to see it all in a 5.5 day trip, but we did see A LOT. We were running around like the craziest of Catholic pilgrims, in the most reverent way possible. To top it off, the weather and the vibes I was getting from Rome were just tops. I was walking around in short sleeves for a couple of the days, and just breathing in the sunny air like it was scented with fresh-baked Christmas cookies.

Everywhere we stopped had it's own charms and delights. Assisi-natural beauty and awesome countryside, and the city transported you back to a peaceful day in the Middle Ages. Florence- art. so much ART, it was crazy and overwhelming and great. Venice- unlike anything else, super fun and full of energy, just walking around and getting lost was enough entertainment in itself. Ulm- a nice step away from Italian culture, change of pace for the trip; pretty sights and then to go to Christine's village and getting to see great farmland and spend New Year's Eve with her family and see what a real German NYE looks like. Salzburg- cute and clean and full of good stories and histories. Munich and Fussen- castles and beer.

I will not deny that this trip was great. A taste of Europe. Showed me places I know I want to go back to and gave me an idea of some other European cultures besides the UK which I've been surrounded by for a few months, now. I will say that I enjoy the German, Italian, and Austrian cultures  (what I saw of them) better than the UK's culture. But I am happy to be back in my home away from home where I have my own lufa, conditioner, razor, bed, towels, and refrigerator (even if it's currently empty). It was also crazy to fly into Aberdeen for the second time, this time knowing the city. My perspective upon initial arrival is so different now, and it's crazy to think I've been here for so long, when it feels like no time at all.

I spent all my money. But that's good. That's what I'm supposed to be doing, right? Experiencing and enjoying Europe while I can.

It's also true that when the last days of the trip were approaching and Zach, Ash, John and I were reflecting on our experiences, it was hard not to feel like I was flying back to America, too. I wasn't. Not for quite some time. Bittersweet. While November was a time where I was realizing what I had gotten into, I think January and the New Year has brought some new, conflicted feelings. I know these next 9 months will fly by, and as we all know, I'm not one to be homesick, but, with one semester of my program done (besides these last assignments to turn in) it's starting to feel real, and it's making me think about the future a lot again, kind of like last year when my second to last semester of college was wrapping up and I was applying to grad schools. I have no idea what the future holds, and as much as I thought by this time I might be more assured, I still don't even know what I want the future to hold, except happiness.

PS a BIG thank you to all of my friends who have striven to stay in touch with me, whether through the beautiful format of hand-written letters, or simple emails or messages, or skyping. Having people who care and are proud of me is a great encouragement in this time. I love you all.

1 comment:

  1. We love you so much and know you can accomplish whatever you set your mind to. Our prayers ate with you for the coming decisions and choices. Don't let that procrastination bug throw you a monkey wrench!
    We are very happy that you had an awesome trip. Know it is another of many to come.

