Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Day 127: Business Time

So I quit my job at Thistle.
And tomorrow I shall go out to turn in my CV at a couple places around City Centre. So that an income will exist to keep me alive.
But today, I put up a bunch of t-shirt designs online, to spark/gauge interest among my friends. This is something I have wanted to start for a while; if people dig my designs, I can make some money from this venture. Which would be awesome.
Really I just love t-shirts. And I always wish someone would make shirts saying the things I want shirts to say, so I decided at last that I would have to be the one to make them.

Maybe I want this Wonder and Wander thing to become even bigger later on. But for now I'm counting on YOU, my fan base, to give me feedback and to buy my shirts!!!

Here's the link to the online shop:
Spread the word, Please and Thank you! I couldn't do it without you.

Song of the day (now playing here, and I recommend everyone who doesn't know it to look it up and give it a play, and everyone who does know it, revisit it's glory): Why Can't This Be Love-Van Halen.

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