Friday, June 3, 2011

New Bike!

I'm so very stoked-- that I have my new bike!
Saving money on gas is about to resume. I've got zero money after this big expense, but it will all be worth it, and if I didn't act soon I would never have a bike.
Anyways, I am going to ride it to work tomorrow. Then it's the Beach Boys concert at 5th street for FREE! Woo!
June has begun, and so has my reading of Jane Eyre. I decided to retire Les Mis for now, because it's such a slow read, and I'm pretty busy with work and friends, and my mom was so insisting on Jane Eyre instead. It's really good so far, I'm only on page 100 or something, but it's flying by. We'll see what I'll read once I finish this little number.


  1. I know you're gonna rock out to Wouldn't It Be Nice!!!

  2. Terrible blog post. Where's the embedded picture of the new bike?!


