Sunday, June 5, 2011

So I think I've mentioned the Road Trip...

Well, by no means am I letting that dream die, but why not kill two birds with one stone?

                Cross Country trip, on bike.

I'd see all I wanted to see, granted, take more time than a car, but also save the Earth a little bit (ha) and see things at more of a natural pace. The pace at which the first pioneers would have experience America. If I graduate and I have the time, and I was planning on doing a cross-country car trip anyways, why not use the budget and time I was going to use by car and use it instead on my cycling tour?!

1. I'd get ripped.
2. Even more than with a trip by car, I would NEVER forget this experience.
3. Definite bragging rights.
4. So fun!
5. I'd probably see so much more.
6. Carbon footprint almost totally extinguished.
7. Bamiddy Bam

Now, you may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not.. going to disagree. I'm also not going to say that these dreams won't occur, because I just GOT MY NEW BIKE TWO DAYS AGO, and I'm ready to make waves.

Those friends that were all down about a cross country road trip--probably won't want to bike with me. Eh, you win some, you lose some. I'm straight with going solo.

Two goals:
1. Plan it.
2. Figure out how to minimize the load I would be carrying with me. Yes, it is possible for me to ride with 100 extra pounds, but is it necessary? I'm willing to say it's not.

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