Saturday, October 20, 2012

Day 32: "Cake and Dates"

Bruno's two favorite things. He loves cake and dates. I would admit, they are good things; it only got weird when he said he liked "dates in cakes" and I was like, uh, I mean, I wouldn't mind eating cake on a date, but a date IN a cake?...sounds strange.

fruit jokes.

ANYWAYS. This past week has been good and BUSY. I started working for real, three shifts, and they went well. I like waitressing. It's fast-paced, fun, and kinda scary, which makes it more fun. But I guess it will get less scary. Which might mean less fun...

My blog is going to become less frequent, in order to make you readers weak with anticipation and therefore more exultant when the next post is finally released!

I feel like things are kinda falling into place here in Aberdeen, after a little over a month. For one, today, the realization of how I want to set up my room finally hit me. I knew the layout wasn't preferable as soon as I moved in, but I couldn't quite grasp how I wanted it arranged. But I got it now, so I'm 'bout to feng shui the crap outta this place.

I've been walking and running everywhere, in order to get my exercise and avoid paying for the heinously-priced bus. I really like walking though, and the more I walk the more I like it, and the more I realize that if more people walked for transportation, the world would be a better place: People would know their community better, they wouldn't be in as big of a rush, they would say hi to their neighbors, they would notice how quickly flowers turn from blooming to bloomed to wilting and how pretty they are in each state, they would have more pocket change from picking up what they find on the sidewalks, they would be healthier, they would smell the seasons changing and hopefully less car exhaust, they would feel the drizzly rain on their faces but realize that it's not much more than a mist and it shouldn't banish you to the indoors.

I did my first loads of laundry today, too. Typical Abi.

I love anyone who reads this, really, and the few of you who have messaged me separately to tell me you're reading or that you enjoy the blog are just great, and it's meant a lot. I like knowing that people back home, or around me, are still interested in what's going on with my life. Don't forget me, America. :)
ALSO, read this article I wrote for a little online magazine, Off the Blueprint:


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