Monday, July 2, 2012

If I Had Words

Starting with a late start (as per usual) and a nice climb out of Ennis, our 7_ mile day was quite grand. We made it round trip today, Virginia to Virginia. Our downhill into and our lunch stop in Virginia City were both delicious, and the rest of the day flew by.
I jammed to a bunch of songs on my iPod beginning with "I" and watched Montana's gorgeousness roll by.
We're in Dillon for the night.
Annnnnnd Montana is still rockin my world.
I woulda bought some postcards today, because we saw some good ones, but I figured that would just ruin the record I've been making of sending zero so far. Don't want to ruin a perfect game.


  1. Wow Abi, that is beautiful country! I am enjoying your blog every morning with my coffee. Extraordinary!!! Love you, Aunt T

  2. I'm glad you're enjoying it! Sending my love to the fam!

  3. Look at that sceney scenery! I love your descriptions. Make sure you gets pics of yo'self in some of these cool places!
    -Taylor Pee

