Sunday, September 30, 2012

Day 13: Talkos

As I attended mass yesterday, I was able to sleep in today and laze around until I had to be off for my interview thang which began at 3:30.
I decided to walk the three miles to the hotel on Garthdee road, because who's gonna pay for weekend buses? Not I. (I need a bike.) But the walk was actually really good, and since I kinda know where I'm going now, at least in that direction, I could take my time and pay more attention to the sights I was passing.
The interview was stupid to say the least. I have to go back Wednesday to see if I get it. But honestly, I might just not go back on Wednesday, because I don't think I really want to work for a stuffy B who thinks appearance is literally THEE most important thing in the world. Slash. Just. Ugh. There are ways to make a presentation about your business and there are ways which you should not.
But I had a good convo with another girl who came to interview for part of the walk back to my home, and then Jenkins made tacos for dinner complete with GUAC, and I still have cake waiting on me, so overall, worse things could have happened today.
Also, it was a BEAUTIFUL DAY. I was walking around in a tank top and felt great and wished I hadn't donned the stockings and boots.
After the tacos, Ije came over again (figured out the spelling of her name! short for Ijema, still pronounced eyejay though so don't read it wrong, ha) and Jenkins was out of the room skyping with his cousin most of the time, so hilariously Ije and I talked for almost two hours discussing Nigerian politics and relating them to broader situations, too. I learned a lot.
One great thing about being here, abroad, is that I have already learned so much from these international kids I'm meeting, just by talking to them and hearing their views and standings on different topics and issues. Honestly, some of it sucks to hear because of having to deal with hearing about US gov't crap, but the thing is that they seem to have a better insight into the way America should be heading than most Americans I've talked to. They understand and admire what America was founded on, something that we as Americans need to think back about.
Let's get back to our roots, America. Homework tonight: everyone go read our founding documents (I'm going to).

Why do people get so wrapped up in power, reputation, and personal gain? I see this everywhere, from the interview today to politics everywhere to half the people you meet in this materialistic, "Me" society. If people honestly were working for the good of others and not only acting when they thought they could benefit, the world would be a better place. But that doesn't just mean SAYING that's what you do/want to do, it means actually DOING. So yeah, my generation is all active and trying to change the world, but if we honestly look at ourselves and our peers, how many can say truthfully that our intentions and focuses aren't selfish/superficial a lot of the time? I find myself looking in the windows of all these nice European stores and desiring all the new clothes on display, creating and daydreaming of a new personal wardrobe... when I just crated like a million pounds of clothes over here and am looking foine in 'em. It's just this outlook. Why do I think I need new clothes all the time? WHY would I even waste time including CLOTHING in my daydreams?! Why do we post statuses/articles about these issues we care about or the way we want the world/country/school/friendships to be, but then spend our time addressing our own interests?
Now I know that I do put thought and care into other things and try to give back, and I know a lot of my friends and other people do, too. Good on ya, but. I really don't think it's the priority for most people, as much as we spit fire against the people who disagree with us or get revved up when we see things that go against our beliefs, we aren't seeking these things with our full heart at other times.
I should be on fire for my beliefs, my faith, my life at all times, not only when I realize someone's trying to extinguish it.

There is a truth, there can be peace, and there will be justice. 

 just sights from my walk to the interviewww

"So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth." Rev 3:16

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