Sunday, September 23, 2012

Day 6: Explore. Dream. Discover.

My weekend has been full of those three things. I've done much exploring and discovering; Aberdeen is beginning to make sense to me, at least the City Centre where I live. And I've ventured outside of it in a few directions, too.
On Friday, I had to be at school by 9:30, to gruelingly get through the last of the necessary steps to become a legitimate student at Robert Gordon University. My passport was cleared, and I was instructed on many educational and pertinent topics, none the least pertinent of which was the possibility of TB in international students. Except I'm from 'MURICA. and there's like less than 25 cases of TB every year. But that's okay, it was only one of the many, boring sessions I had to sit through.
I got home around 4, and might have taken a nap--that's where the "Dream" part of the post title comes in. I've done quite a bit of sleeping. However, after dinner, I was chilling in the apartment, takin' it easy, and then Jenkins invited me to go out with him and some of his friends, so I agreed, but he had locked his keys into his bedroom and was wearing a white tee and flip flops and sweatpants. Needing to change we waited about an hour and a half for someone to come let him in his room, and so it was about 12 before we got out on the town. We went into one club, danced, watched ridiculous people dance ridiculously, then we headed to the Student Union to check out the party that is always bumping below us as we try to sleep, but the place was practically deserted, so we just walked around and then made a food stop where Jenk got some pizza to cook and I got a box of cereal. We went home and dined and watched a Bill Burr stand up routine on Netflix, at Jenkins' suggestion. Won't do that again, but thanks anyways Jenkins. By the time I went to bed it was 4 am.
So on Saturday I slept til 12, and then got out and took a long walk to the Girdleness Lighthouse. I sat on the coast for a while taking in the glorious view and embracing the breeze even though it was colder than any beach would be at this time of the year back home, and chilling my fingers. I then explored Aberdeen's "Coastal Path" which is a foot path that follows the Aberdeen Coast for I don't know how long. I was the daintiest flower as I traversed this path so gracefully in my flowing skirt. Sinking into black mud, slipping on the dewy grass and almost falling down the slanted cliffs, death-gripping onto daisy stems or long grasses or anything in my reach so as not to fall back to the water's rocky edge from whence I came. My sanuks were covered in mud, my feet were soaking wet, but my spirits were high, and my sense of direction was only slightly befuddled, with the coast and the lighthouse as reference.

I awoke chipper this morning for my first mass in Scotland. St. Peter's is less than a 10 minute walk from my apartment and I got to the old church and fell in love with the global awesomeness of the Catholic Church. Not only were we in Scotland, but there were so many different nationalities at mass, I guess because this is an oil and university town and draws people from all over. It was great. The Catholic Church is the Catholic Church everywhere, and its great.
So then I got home from church and....took a ...nap? For five hours. Whoops.

If you look closely here you will see three girls out swimming! No wetsuits or anything! I better get on it!
I don't have class tomorrow still because of the Aberdeen Holiday. The possibilities are endless.

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