Thursday, September 20, 2012

Day 3: Friends!

I begrudgingly started the day with my alarm going off at the hour of 6. Ha. Turned that one off. (Told you I wouldn't make it to 7am mass.) And then slept until around 8:10 when I had to get up to get ready for the day which began at 10. One delicious breakfast later and I was out the door, alongside Jenkins, both headed for the bus stop to make it to the Garthdee campus by 10 o'clock. The commute is just over 20 minutes by bus, and I got there with about 15 minutes to spare before the beginning of my course information session.
In this session, I met the leaders of the course as well as everyone who is on the journey to get their MSc Information and Library Studies with me. There are around 20 of us. I'm the only one from the US, but there's a Canadian girl, a Grecian, a couple Irelanders, one Bulgarian, one Frenchie, annd I think the rest from around the UK either England or Scotland. This session calmed some of the anxiety that had started to exist due to the fact that I really had no idea what I was getting into. But as the course description that I read so long ago mentioned, this program starts at the very beginning, building from the ground up. The faculty seem very nice and super willing to help the students, the class schedule is not too shabby, and the way the program is set up doesn't seem like it will be anything I can't handle.
The one curveball I was thrown was when he asked how many of us were planning on doing our dissertation to get our Master's rather than stopping after the taught semesters with just a graduate diploma and all of us raised our hands so he began to talk about the dissertation. Due the first week of October. OCTOBER?! WHAT? My lease. Ends August 30. Laurel's wedding, is September 7. I thought. I. Uh... Oh, what? We don't have to be here AT ALL during the dissertation time period? We can turn the thing in electronically? Well good! Though I'm still stuck here til August due to my lease, when I now realize I really only have to stay til June for the program, it is good this way, because I will stay focused and in a good work environment and not kill my momentum by moving back home or anything.
There was a long break between that session and the IT one which came next. So I wandered around campus and then eventually found a bench upon which to sit, organize my thoughts, write out my schedule, poemize, and doodle. It was pleasant.
As we were waiting for the IT thang to start, I talked to several of my fellow Librarian Wannabe's and they all seem very nice. Yay- My first friends! Excited for classes to start on Tuesday....never thought I would hear myself say that. But other than waking up, I think it will be quite grand.
Also, I want a bike so I can stop paying for this stupid bus everyday.
PS Wish me luck on the weekend...Who KNOWS what I will do. Don't really want to be a bum though.

1 comment:

  1. Knowing you, Abi, you will certainly be doing something quite GRAND this weekend!! Have fun!

    Janet Holloway, aka Katie's mom!

