Monday, September 24, 2012

Day 7: Monday Funday

Today was an Aberdeen public holiday. So no school for me still. Jenkins and I went to Union Square, a mall type place, to check out the SWEET DEALS FOR STUDENTS. We got to go to a movie, FO' FREE, but the movie was "Killing Them Softly," and it was horrible. No thanks, Brad Pitt. Oh well, it was FREE.
We also got a bunch of free food samples from the different restaurants. Lunch, yum.
Then for dinner we headed over to a church on Union street that was hosting a welcome dinner for International students. A bunch of the Christian churches from the area got together to put it on, and it was a nice little get together, plus I got free food, didn't have to cook, and TWO desserts--Whapow.
Got some contact info from a couple people and made some friendies that I will hopefully meet again. There's a Christian dealio on Tuesday nights with RGU students meetin', so I might go check that out tomorrow.
OTHERWISE------classes start tomorrow and I gotta be there by 9. So, ughhh, I gotta wake up early, make breakfast, eat it, get dressed, and get to the bus by like 8:30. Wish me luck.

No pictures.

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