Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day 9: Turn Around

So many turn arounds today, of the literal and metaphorical senses.

I went to the part time job fair at campus, where I filled out a bunch of applications, feeling pretty productive and in high hopes about getting a job, and guess what I turn around and I've already heard back from one place who wants an interview!, and I then went back to City Centre on the bus to the bank to set up an account. Where I realized I didn't have my passport, but I know I had it at the job fair. CRAP. I LOST MY PASSPORT. I lost my passport...I LOST. my. PASSPORT. Then the application at the bank blanked out on me anyways, so there's one more thing not accomplished. Oh well, I have to do something, turn around I have to find this passport. Almost break down in the bank, almost break down on the way home, hold it in, call my mom, talk to mom, she calms me down. It'll be okay. Almost break down anyways. No, turn around, go back to the campus. Get there. They see me and they know I'm looking for my passport! They have it! Turn around, go back home! One tragedy for the day cured. Get into bed, continue reading Wuthering Heights. Feel like bum-bum. Olivia skypes me, turn around, feeling better, she's a cheerer-upper. It's almost time for the young adult thing at St. Peter's. Go. Still feel low and a little nervous about my entrance into this unknown dominion of Scottish Catholics. Turn around! They're great. All super friendly. Adoration begins, TURN AROUND--Why you feelin' low, Abi? "for with the Lord is UNFAILING LOVE"/ "when he saw how strong the wind was he became frightened; and, beginning to sink, he cried out, 'Lord, save me!' IMMEDIATELY Jesus stretched out his hand and caught him, and said to him, 'O you of little faith, why did you doubt?'"
Adoration is over, walk out of the worship space, and make the decision quickly, do I keep walking and just exit smoothly? Or do I hesitate and stand for those awkward few moments not knowing what to do before someone will talk to me. Wait. Good decision. Great people! First real friends!
This community of young Catholics seems like it will be great and a vital necessity to me during my time here. They're active, they're friendly, they're funny, and they like food! All good things. Turn around and walk out the door with my new friend Rachel; it was her first time at the Young Adult group, too. She's a second year at Aberdeen Uni. A Glaswegian, or Weegie, as I learned they call themselves from Glasgow.

Oh! and literally three people today didn't think I was American. I introduced myself to the first guy I saw at St. Peter's and he asked where I was from and I said America, and he said "Oh, you don't sound American," and then Father Keith thought I was Irish?! He musta not heard me too well. And then another girl said she couldn't tell, eitherrr. I'm pretty sure I sound Amurican. I ain't got no accent. America is accent-free; y'all are the ones who be talkin' funny.

Kinda silly though. Maybe I'm just such an international spirit, it emanates.

Class tomorrow will be early, but it will be good.

Goodnight, world.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome day awesome blog!!!! Your momma and daddy love you!

