Monday, May 31, 2010

I Have a Habit of Falling Into Minor Obsessions

My body doesn't let me sleep past 9 anymore.

Anyways, I woke up and ate baguette toast with butter, some eggs, and butterscotch fudge (because that seemed like the Harry Potter thing to do--fudge in the morn')
Then I had to finish the first book real quick because I completely fell asleep while doing it last night. I was exhausted. As soon as I finished the first, I just started going crazy researching things about Harry Potter and ideas for hosting a Harry Potter themed party.  
To add a side-note, I easily get sucked into ideas that I get, and then they become little obsessions where it's basically all I think of slash I will literally sit in my room for hours researching it and writing about it, like taking notes, etc. Because I'm that cool.
So, needless to say, I'm HAVING this party. It's gonna be bangin'. Off the wall. I'm so excited already. 
After my research session I started the second book, and into the Chamber of Secrets I went. 

Now I'm getting off the computer and doing some serious reading, probably 'til the late hours of the night.

song of the day: mmbop- hanson

 An Ode to Dumbledore, Order of Merlin, First Class (there are just so many good quotes of his at the end of the first book I had to put them here):
"What happened down in the dungeon between you and Professor Quirrell is a complete secret, so, naturally, the whole school knows." (p.296 HP&SS)
"After all, to a well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure." (p.297 HP&SS)
"As much money and life as you could want! The two things most human beings would choose above all-- the trouble is, humans do have a knack of choosing precisely those things that are worst for them." (p.297 HP&SS)
"Ah, now, I'm glad you asked me that. It was one of my more brilliant ideas, and between you and me, that's saying something."(p.300 HP&SS)

He's so wise, and funny.

(p.s. sorry Michael Gambon, but I think Richard Harris was the best on-screen Dumblydore.)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

"The Sky Was A Clear, Forget-Me-Not Blue...

...and there was a feeling of summer coming." (p.229 Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone)

Today was a beautiful day. And it started at 6 30. am.
I was up and at 'em early; I had to get to mass at 7 30, so I could have time to bike to work and be there by 9 40.
So here I was, outside, on this beautiful sunny day preparing for my seven hour shift, telling myself I wouldn't get burnt. Well, that was a lie. The shoulders are toasty. But hopefully that'll settle by tomorrow morning.

I have discovered, for the first time, that waking up early is actually really pleasant. Sure, it sucks when you first force your eyes open and have to drag your head away from the pillow and your body from under the warm covers, but after that, once you're up, it gets good: the day is so much longer, you get to see the morning sun rise and become the blistering noonday heat lamp, you feel accomplished, you get to see a lot of cool early birds out and about who you might never see otherwise. 
I love sleep, so that was saying a lot. But maybe I'll start sacrificing a little slumber for some extra awake time, and take advantage of all that the morning offers me.

song of the day: morningside- sara bareilles
HP status: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Chapter 15: The Forbidden Forest aka I'M FINISHING TONIGHT.

"What do you see when you look in the mirror?"
"I? I see myself holding a pair of thick, woolen socks."-APWBD --this line gets me every time. I love this man.


Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Late Afternoon Post

I shant be able to make a late night post as per usual, due to a reunion taking place in the home of the Siqueira's with several youth group girls. So I'll be up late, just not at a computer; we'll be doing much more drastically adventurous& mysterious things than staring at laptop screens.

On the topic of late nights: I have been getting my days so confused, not just like because it's summer and that happens to everyone, but like, I'm going to bed so late these days and waking up so early, whether it be for daily mass or work, so my days are way longer than I ever remember them being. On several occasions now, I have presented an argument about something happening the day before not today, and whoever I'm presenting it to has to give me the facts and tell me how it wasn't yesterday, but only just this morning. It is crazy and befuddling.

HOWEVA, this day has been good. I woke up at 8, got ready, ate breakfast, and hit the road with my bike and my Lucky brand satchel packed for a 7 hour day of selling ice cream on the boardwalk. It was a wonderfully refreshing ride, and when I got there I was 20 minutes early for work, so I got to just sit on the railing on the boardwalk and watch the waves while I waited for my kiosk to come.
Then I sat for 7 hours, reading Harry Potter off and on, people-watching the rest of the time. (There are so many hot old men who come to surf at the oceanfront, and I can only hope one day my husband will ripen up into a middle-aged/over the hill hottie like the ones I saw today.)
Then I rode my bike home, and now I'm super tired, but feeling good, and ready for some homemade mashed potatoes (Dad style).

poll for the day: italy or ireland?
song for the day: good people- jack johnson
HP status: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Chapter 10: Halloween

"I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses...I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death." -Severus Snape -- so good, and so fun to hate.

Friday, May 28, 2010

The Fanaticism is Back! Harry Mania 2010.

I started the first book of the series today again, while sitting at a kiosk on 20th street, for over 7 hours. However, I only read about a chapter and a half, because too many distractions came up. Most of them good, like:
  1. Mary Beth coming to keep me company for about an hour
  2. Becca and her boyfran whatever-his-name-is (kidding. Matt.) coming and making me laugh.
  3. The singer/guitar player man at the restaurant right near me who had such horrible charisma for dealing with his small crowd and similar trials. Then when people were actually there eating, he asked for requests, and he didn't know the first 10 songs they asked of him. 
  4. MEGAN and Michelle! coming to visit, and Michelle having such an ordeal about having to pee.
  5. A guy in a full get-up including a white tux, top hat(with flower), cane, and shiny white leather shoes straight strollin' down the boardwalk towards me spinning his cane. Once he gets to me, he says hello, makes a quick joke, and as he's a little past he turns back and says "love the hair by the way, strawberry blonde!" and keeps walking. CHAMP status.
  6. and we can't forget about the four G's who were completely and ridiculously posing on the railing of the boardwalk trying to look super fly while their other friend took several phone pics of them, while they were yelling "oh you got to get that to me, put it on facebook, put it on facebook. i need that!" hahahaha
 Now I'm super tired, and I gotta sleep so I can wake up and bike to work tomorrow morning. 7 hours outside on the boardwalk through all the hottest hours of the sun. Hello, farmer's tan.

poll for the day: what would you say if I got my nose pierced?
 song for the day: don't happen twice- kenny chesney
HP status: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Chapter 2: The Vanishing Glass

"It's lucky it's dark. I haven't blushed so much since Madam Pomfrey told me she liked my new earmuffs."

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Of House-elves and Children's Tales, of Love, Loyalty, and Innocence

So I just flew through the second half of the 7th book in the Harry Potter series. It was glorious. It's final: the 7th book takes the cake for my favorite out of all of them.
But I really just want to read them all again. I feel like, like I just completely grew up beside Harry Potter. And I wish, I wish that it wouldn't end. But what an ending, right? I won't give any spoilers here, but I'm just going to say, if you haven't read the Harry Potters- do it, and if you haven't finished the series- do it. What a wonderful summer project!

I actually gotta take another book down real quick, but I'm gonna be sitting at a kiosk at the oceanfront tomorrow for 7 straight hours, so I feel like I'll have some time then (and in the days following doing the same thing).
Once that's done, back to Harry Potter for me. I really need to refine my knowledge and understanding of the story. 
I can't help falling in love with all the characters and getting so involved in the story that I'm moved to tears or outward laughter. 

Oliver Wood will always have my heart. <3

In other news, I found this quote today, and I'm thinking about it as I discern my study abroad ambitions and choices and try to come to a decision. 
Methinks I will not die quite happy without having seen something of that Rome of which I have read so much.—Sir Walter Scott
More on that issue later, though. 

song for the day: haven't met you yet- michael buble

one more quote, for posterity: "Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all, those who live with out love."--Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

"Cross that off my list of people to see live"

The day was off to a good start: I woke up, munched some Special K, laid out by the pool while reading some Deathly Hallows, and then ate lunch. 
The middle of the day needs not be elaborated on.
Started off with pizza and pedicures with Liz, Maggy, and Danielle, THEN an opportunity arose that I knew I couldn't pass up...


You remember them, right? The guys who had that one song, way back, whenever that was.
So we hopped down to 31st street and watched them play until they unleashed their secret weapon and played the one song anyone knows. After that we stayed just long enough to look polite, and then we hit it.

But those are the little things that make summer so wonderful, ya know? little pit stops at local concerts featuring washed-up, one-hit-wonders reliving their glory days while most likely strung out on drugs.
(sister hazel's coming june 24th!)

song for the day (take a guess): here's to the night-eve 6
"Here's to the nights we felt alive...tomorrow's gonna come too soon."

back to Harry Potter now:)

A Good Analogy for My Life, Currently

So, to sum up how I'm living my life these days, I have a little story to share:

At the oceanfront today, Danielle and I walked aimlessly down the boardwalk and back again, and it seemed the only thing on our minds was ice cream. the whole time. Every time we passed an ice cream place, (like every half block), we stopped briefly to covet. Finally we were just like, you know what, let's go get 49 cent cones from McDonald's. It's delicious, but affordable; we don't have to break the budget for a sweet treat. Sounds perfect, right? Wrong. I have literally no cash or change, and she doesn't either. 
We spent the next 20 minutes pulling into random parking lots and drive-thrus with our heads out the windows searching for change on the ground.  
Of course, it just so happened that Virginia Beach streets were thoroughly groomed of all dropped pocket change yesterday. To my house we went. for Klondike bars and tie-dye premieres.

The day ended with long discussions on Harry Potter and all entailed in that. 

song for the day: Stronger- Kanye West
and I'll leave you with this quote that I read today, appreciated, and found applicable.
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain
