Friday, May 28, 2010

The Fanaticism is Back! Harry Mania 2010.

I started the first book of the series today again, while sitting at a kiosk on 20th street, for over 7 hours. However, I only read about a chapter and a half, because too many distractions came up. Most of them good, like:
  1. Mary Beth coming to keep me company for about an hour
  2. Becca and her boyfran whatever-his-name-is (kidding. Matt.) coming and making me laugh.
  3. The singer/guitar player man at the restaurant right near me who had such horrible charisma for dealing with his small crowd and similar trials. Then when people were actually there eating, he asked for requests, and he didn't know the first 10 songs they asked of him. 
  4. MEGAN and Michelle! coming to visit, and Michelle having such an ordeal about having to pee.
  5. A guy in a full get-up including a white tux, top hat(with flower), cane, and shiny white leather shoes straight strollin' down the boardwalk towards me spinning his cane. Once he gets to me, he says hello, makes a quick joke, and as he's a little past he turns back and says "love the hair by the way, strawberry blonde!" and keeps walking. CHAMP status.
  6. and we can't forget about the four G's who were completely and ridiculously posing on the railing of the boardwalk trying to look super fly while their other friend took several phone pics of them, while they were yelling "oh you got to get that to me, put it on facebook, put it on facebook. i need that!" hahahaha
 Now I'm super tired, and I gotta sleep so I can wake up and bike to work tomorrow morning. 7 hours outside on the boardwalk through all the hottest hours of the sun. Hello, farmer's tan.

poll for the day: what would you say if I got my nose pierced?
 song for the day: don't happen twice- kenny chesney
HP status: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Chapter 2: The Vanishing Glass

"It's lucky it's dark. I haven't blushed so much since Madam Pomfrey told me she liked my new earmuffs."

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