Sunday, May 30, 2010

"The Sky Was A Clear, Forget-Me-Not Blue...

...and there was a feeling of summer coming." (p.229 Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone)

Today was a beautiful day. And it started at 6 30. am.
I was up and at 'em early; I had to get to mass at 7 30, so I could have time to bike to work and be there by 9 40.
So here I was, outside, on this beautiful sunny day preparing for my seven hour shift, telling myself I wouldn't get burnt. Well, that was a lie. The shoulders are toasty. But hopefully that'll settle by tomorrow morning.

I have discovered, for the first time, that waking up early is actually really pleasant. Sure, it sucks when you first force your eyes open and have to drag your head away from the pillow and your body from under the warm covers, but after that, once you're up, it gets good: the day is so much longer, you get to see the morning sun rise and become the blistering noonday heat lamp, you feel accomplished, you get to see a lot of cool early birds out and about who you might never see otherwise. 
I love sleep, so that was saying a lot. But maybe I'll start sacrificing a little slumber for some extra awake time, and take advantage of all that the morning offers me.

song of the day: morningside- sara bareilles
HP status: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Chapter 15: The Forbidden Forest aka I'M FINISHING TONIGHT.

"What do you see when you look in the mirror?"
"I? I see myself holding a pair of thick, woolen socks."-APWBD --this line gets me every time. I love this man.


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