Monday, May 24, 2010

Cancellations, Cookies&Cream, and Colin Firth

So it sucks when plans get cancelled. Especially when the cancelling of those plans means a loss of money for me.

But I don't want to dwell on that. What I do want to share with the world right now, is my new love for Cookies & Cream Hershey's Kisses. My mom had them, so I tried one. And they're GOOD. like little mini bites of those Hershey's cookies&cream bars. melts in your mouth, but in moderation!

The biggest deal of my day is that I watched Bridget Jones' Diary for the first time today. I love Colin Firth. and I quite appreciated the movie, but I almost killed myself when Mark Darcy (Colin Firth's character) walked away at almost the end of the movie, right when him and Bridget were gonna hook up, because he read a page of the diary that it was open to, and it was talking about how much she hated him (because it was from earlier in the movie when she was being blind to him liking her and actually being a nice guy) anyways, I was like, are you serious, is it really going to end like this? THEY ALMOST MADE IT. but no, he was being super cute and going to get her a new diary so she could start a new beginning with him.

Bridget: I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it. Well, I meant it, but I was so stupid that I didn't mean what I meant... After all, it's only a diary. Everyone knows diaries are just... full of crap.
Mark Darcy: Yes, I know that. I was just buying you a new one. 

Romantic-Comedies are super good. I don't care if you're going to bash them for not being legitimate quality cinema, you know they're good. Everyone loves to watch them. Everyone wants to live them. They make me want to fall in love. right now.

I hope I'm not a 30-something year old spinster when I grow up.

song of the day: if ever i could love-keith urban


1 comment:

  1. let's watch it!
    I've never seen it I'm afraid...
    unfortunately though, now I know the ending.
    but I still want to see it with you haha.

