Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Working the Day Shifts

So to catch up, some cool stuff has been happening.
Saturday morn' I hit the waves with Sam at 7 in the morning, and then went straight to a spinning class. I was dead, especially since I only had like 5 hours of sleep the night before, and the past like 3 nights I hadn't had that much sleep either. I then went to work at the Harborfest in Norfolk where I made like 25 dollars in tips, plus sold out of ice cream so I got a bonus from my boss (another $25!).
Sunday I woke up early yet again for 7 30 mass and then went straight to work at 10 where I could barely keep my eyes open. That night I slept in my car at the beach like a champ and hopped up early with Sam to hit the waves at like 5 45 in the morn and then changed in my car and went to work at 9 40.
Today I woke up for surfing at 7 30, but the waves weren't gonna be legit, so we called it off, and I went to daily mass instead.
I have work 9 40-4 all this week, which blows because it means I can't be on the beach during the day, though it does mean I'm making some solid money, which is good. I need it. Here are all my current ventures that create the need for the green:
  1. Buy a new bike (because, as everyone knows, mine was stolen by some douche)
  2. I just bought a waterproof digital camera. (which seems like an unnecessary and frivolous purchase when I don't have any money and am trying to save for designated things already, but I assure it is going to be one of the best investments ever. so good.)
  3. I'm going to Hawaii next summer, I don't know the deets, but it's either gonna be like a two-week trip that will go by so fast, or I'm gonna WWOOF in Hawaii and stay there for like most of the summer which would just be perfection in so many ways.
  4. Also, I need money for when I'm at school for various expenses and groceriessssssss, since I'll be eating in my APARTMENT(!!!) a lot.
  5. Plus, I want to study abroad junior year, which my parents might expect me to contribute to. 
Basically I just need to powerhouse this crap and make some moolah this summer! Car washes are going to happen for the Hawaii fund. ha. and bake sales. ALSO! if you want a bracelet I'm now selling those for 1-5 dollars depending on their complexity and material.
andddddd, if you need any make up, you can't forget about Mary Kay:)

My life is so good right now, I'm so happy. I love summer. Favorite. I'm stoked on life and on the beach and on all this good music I've been listening to recently.

song of the day: stand tall- dirty heads
HP status: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 19: The Hungarian Horntail (and I think I'm actually in the mood to read again finally tonight!)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Beach Before 8, Until After 5

So, at the end of this school year I talked to several people from school about where they're from and visited a few places, and for the first time in my life I was thinking that I could probably get used to living somewhere other than the beach when I'm older. I mean, I've always enjoyed the mountains for the hiking and beautiful views and tree-climbing, and owning a farm would be stellar, just like making your own food and living off the land... but I've always loved living at the beach, and taken it for granted a lot, too. Being back at the beach for the summer has really secured me in believing that I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

Every time I came home from college for breaks I had to go to the beach, and now that it's summer I want to be there everyday. I just feel so comfortable, and it's so fun and pretty and refreshing and wonderful. Even sitting on the beach and watching the ocean is so good, but being in the water is completely over the top my life. 
Can't I just get married to some guy who has enough money to buy a house on the water and live there in peace, being complete beach bums doing close to nothing except walking down the beach, sitting on the sand, and surfing the waves? No, it probably won't be that easy. Okay, we can have jobs, but can we at least have a place where the beach is walking distance? My life would be made. 

I would say it wouldn't hurt to be in Hawaii, but I feel like I can't get too picky, because any piece of coast would be good. Even if it's just good ol' tiny-waved Virginia Beach. It's home, right?

song of the day: you can call me al- paul simon
HP status: haha, the same place as before. Ch. 15, Goblet of Fire.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

"do you wanna make a berry pie in my kitchen?"

I spent 7 hours sitting on a stool today, with approximately 8 customers. What a waste of life. At least I was getting paid.

I am SO tired. I need sleep. Every time I say I'm gonna get some, I don't. I either stay up too late for some reason, or have to wake up for something else.
But tomorrow will be glorious: Samwise Gamgee and I will reunite! Just me, her, and the waves tomorrow morning, for the first time since last summer!

Today two girls stopped by my kiosk and asked if I would take a faith survey, and I was happy to seeing as I was bored OUT OF MY MIND about to fall asleep. But it ended up being really good, for me, because, even though I was the one talking it was good to say all those things out loud, affirming my faith and why I have the faith I do, etc. It's something I need to do as I'm slipping into summer faith duldrums due to hectic schedules, lack of a chapel next door, and getting distracted by all the little pleasures of summer like old friends, good weather, and one fun series (HP).

oh, and I tried Schlotsky's for the first time yesterday. That's good stuff. Try it now if you haven't already.
aaaaaand, don't waste your money on Shrek 4 (especially since it's three extra dollars for freaking 3-D which sucks especially when you go specifically for the 5 dollar price. gross)

song of the day: better days-the goo goo dolls
HP status: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 15: Beauxbatons and Durmstrang (pathetic, I know)

Monday, June 7, 2010

Crazy Days, Lazy Haze

So these past two days, and now almost three, have been insane:
I woke up and took a mini road trip to Richmond on Saturday where I spent the day with some awesome hoodlums at Matt Bean's house. Went to bed super late, and got about 3 full hours of sleep before waking up at 6 am to depart for the beach once more.
I arrived in VB around 8 40, got gas, and then went straight to the oceanfront for work, but since I was a little early I took a dip in the ocean to cool down and let time pass. Then, 10 o'clock came and I sat on a stool for about 7 hours before going home to change quickly, get showered, and head over to St. Greg's for 6 o'clock mass.
Upon getting home I ate, and then Becca came over. We watched the MTV movie awards and then went to sleep. Got up at 9 30, and we were at the beach by 10 40.
It was a glorious beach day. The sun was hot, the breeze was strong, and the water was refreshing and fun. We swam almost the whole time.When we weren't swimming we were eating our packed lunch, or talking about wanting to get married slash who we'd pick as bridesmaids, or we were watching "Barry".

Barry is a funny story in itself. But maybe we'll save that for another time. Right now I'm super tired, super overdue on reading HP, and feeling super crazed about things.
Now that you're updated on my life.

song of the day- your love is my drug- ke$ha
HP status- still chapter 14 (unforgivable curses) in the Goblet of Fire.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

What a Shame

Recently, things have continued to happen around me that really upset me, because they just prove what a disregard for innocence and purity our world has.
Whether it be music: Sure, we're all guilty of listening to some mildly inappropriate songs that we just brush off, but where's the line between excusable and not? It's getting to the point where I think that songs are listened to FOR their horrible lyrics. It's not like people are just giving in and listening because that is all artists are writing, but in fact, if the lyrics are intensely vulgar and about sex and drugs, the songs become that much more enticing. People criticize country music because "all the lyrics are the same, it's all love songs or storytelling about a farm and tractors." Since when do lyrics featuring demeaning descriptions ("I'm tryna find the words to describe this girl without bein disrespectful...damn, you're a sexy bitch"--I guess chivalry really isn't dead!) and scandalous situations take the cake over storytelling? Yeah, you're right, I'd definitely like to promote drug use and looking at hookers over songs that happen to be telling stories/ mentioning farming, or America, or God.
This rejection of the innocent is almost a defining point of our young generation. For instance, more and more people view premarital sex as a given. Why should I with hold it from my boyfriend/girlfriend? What does it matter if we have sex now? What does it matter if I have sex with every guy I'm attracted to, or even not attracted to? Why shouldn't I? Girls and guys are crumpling to the demands of society, of peer pressure, of lust, and of pure emotion with no backing. It seems we've forgotten the power that comes with purity.
Kids go to college. Parties are going to happen. Right? So, that's a legitimate excuse for me to abandon the convictions I had before, isn't it? It's not fun unless you're drunk, and being high is just so much better than being sober. Why do people assume that not remembering the night before must mean you had an awesome time? We fall into habits, and pretty soon we let them take us over, and they engulf our lives to the point where we wouldn't have a life without them. 
Even the petty-seeming subject of little girls apparel is dusted with traces of immorality and loss of innocence: I wore overalls until sixth grade. I didn't wear make-up until eleventh. I was running around and having a super childhood, and I didn't care to be older than I was, wear short skirts, talk on a cell phone, or chase boys. Now I look at young girls and they're all dressing like little whores; mere third graders are walking around like they wish they were in high school. They're all missing out on being kids! and it kills me!

Something is wrong when it is shameful to be innocent and embarrassing to be pure. 
Nothing is more unnecessary and damaging than to throw away and forget that which was once good and whole and to lose the little bit of innocence we hold on to.

This blog was a little deeper than my previous...
song of the day: make it mine- jason mraz
HP status Harry  Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 14: The Unforgivable Curses
