Thursday, June 10, 2010

"do you wanna make a berry pie in my kitchen?"

I spent 7 hours sitting on a stool today, with approximately 8 customers. What a waste of life. At least I was getting paid.

I am SO tired. I need sleep. Every time I say I'm gonna get some, I don't. I either stay up too late for some reason, or have to wake up for something else.
But tomorrow will be glorious: Samwise Gamgee and I will reunite! Just me, her, and the waves tomorrow morning, for the first time since last summer!

Today two girls stopped by my kiosk and asked if I would take a faith survey, and I was happy to seeing as I was bored OUT OF MY MIND about to fall asleep. But it ended up being really good, for me, because, even though I was the one talking it was good to say all those things out loud, affirming my faith and why I have the faith I do, etc. It's something I need to do as I'm slipping into summer faith duldrums due to hectic schedules, lack of a chapel next door, and getting distracted by all the little pleasures of summer like old friends, good weather, and one fun series (HP).

oh, and I tried Schlotsky's for the first time yesterday. That's good stuff. Try it now if you haven't already.
aaaaaand, don't waste your money on Shrek 4 (especially since it's three extra dollars for freaking 3-D which sucks especially when you go specifically for the 5 dollar price. gross)

song of the day: better days-the goo goo dolls
HP status: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 15: Beauxbatons and Durmstrang (pathetic, I know)

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