Saturday, June 5, 2010

What a Shame

Recently, things have continued to happen around me that really upset me, because they just prove what a disregard for innocence and purity our world has.
Whether it be music: Sure, we're all guilty of listening to some mildly inappropriate songs that we just brush off, but where's the line between excusable and not? It's getting to the point where I think that songs are listened to FOR their horrible lyrics. It's not like people are just giving in and listening because that is all artists are writing, but in fact, if the lyrics are intensely vulgar and about sex and drugs, the songs become that much more enticing. People criticize country music because "all the lyrics are the same, it's all love songs or storytelling about a farm and tractors." Since when do lyrics featuring demeaning descriptions ("I'm tryna find the words to describe this girl without bein disrespectful...damn, you're a sexy bitch"--I guess chivalry really isn't dead!) and scandalous situations take the cake over storytelling? Yeah, you're right, I'd definitely like to promote drug use and looking at hookers over songs that happen to be telling stories/ mentioning farming, or America, or God.
This rejection of the innocent is almost a defining point of our young generation. For instance, more and more people view premarital sex as a given. Why should I with hold it from my boyfriend/girlfriend? What does it matter if we have sex now? What does it matter if I have sex with every guy I'm attracted to, or even not attracted to? Why shouldn't I? Girls and guys are crumpling to the demands of society, of peer pressure, of lust, and of pure emotion with no backing. It seems we've forgotten the power that comes with purity.
Kids go to college. Parties are going to happen. Right? So, that's a legitimate excuse for me to abandon the convictions I had before, isn't it? It's not fun unless you're drunk, and being high is just so much better than being sober. Why do people assume that not remembering the night before must mean you had an awesome time? We fall into habits, and pretty soon we let them take us over, and they engulf our lives to the point where we wouldn't have a life without them. 
Even the petty-seeming subject of little girls apparel is dusted with traces of immorality and loss of innocence: I wore overalls until sixth grade. I didn't wear make-up until eleventh. I was running around and having a super childhood, and I didn't care to be older than I was, wear short skirts, talk on a cell phone, or chase boys. Now I look at young girls and they're all dressing like little whores; mere third graders are walking around like they wish they were in high school. They're all missing out on being kids! and it kills me!

Something is wrong when it is shameful to be innocent and embarrassing to be pure. 
Nothing is more unnecessary and damaging than to throw away and forget that which was once good and whole and to lose the little bit of innocence we hold on to.

This blog was a little deeper than my previous...
song of the day: make it mine- jason mraz
HP status Harry  Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 14: The Unforgivable Curses


  1. Well said. Father would love it. This is so relevant to what he was talking about the other night. And I was just thinking about this the other day too in the mall when I saw these 10 year old kids making out and I was like "uhhh...what?" Crazy, disordered world.

  2. I completely agree with this, and feel very happy that others are morally sound.

  3. I agree that kids need to spend more time just being kids, but honestly I have no problem with high schoolers having safe sex (and sex ed that actually teaches about contraception since abstinence education just doesn't work)

