Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Red Velvet Cake Batter

HOLY CRAP! This is for real!? (sink hole in Guatemala) pray for them.

And onto my day:

Is it sad when I'm happy for a cancelled beach day if it means I get to stay home and read Harry Potter?
Because that's exactly the emotion I had today when it was cloudy slash rainy and Monica and I called off our beach trip. Hopefully, that does get rescheduled for soon, though.
Anyways, I spent most of my day, whittling away at my new obsession and collecting new information. Not to mention, me and my partner in crime, Mary Beth Booty (renamed by, I think, Chelsea's brother and friend), had a meeting to discuss certain details that will come into fruition later.
But you must know no more. No more secrets will be revealed on this here blog, and the party that will indeed be born shall be an excitedly-awaited surprise for all who have the honor of receiving an invite.

I don't have much to say. My mind is "harrypotterharrypotterharrypotter." I'm about to finish the 2nd, and hopefully get a good start on the 3rd by tonight.

P.S. The Sixth Sense is a good movie, and just like Harry Potter, you catch more the second time through, even if you do know the twists;)

song of the day: i'm gonna love you forever- randy travis
HP status: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Chapter 16: The Chamber of Secrets

"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."-Dumbledore (p.333 HP&CS)

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