Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Cherry Pie for Breakfast

Harry Potter for lunch.
Butterscotch fudge for afternoon snack.
Mary Kay for dinner. and dessert.
Cereal for survival. 
And more cherry pie, for good measure.

Guys, today I took it a step too far, well not too far, but farther-- I painted my fingernails Gryffindor scarlet, with yellow lightning bolts and the Gryffindor Lion adorning the thumb.
I'm awesome, right? Yeah, that was my recess from reading.

Then at 4 45ish I got ready for some Mary Kay nonsense. And let me tell you, there was some Mary Kay nonsense. I was only there for like 4 hours...
Here are some highlights:
  1. A few black girls were in the skin care class I was watching, and while applying one of the products one of them exclaims "It's gettin' on ma WEAVE instead!"
  2. "OH day TOY-letts" (eau de toilette)
  3. Me accidentally winking at one of the girls when something funny happened? How creepy, old grandpa of me. I don't know what came over me, or my right eye, but it was closed and open again before I could even try to stop it.

song of the day: sister christian- night ranger
HP status: Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban, Chapter 14: Snape's Grudge


  1. hahaha you and your winking! Not professional, Miss Candler. Hope you made some good sales regardless!

  2. hahaha! I love that wink! I'm glad I'm readin your blog now, it's great!

