Thursday, May 17, 2012

"Best apple, best donut, best sandwich, best spaghetti"

BEST DAY EVERRRR! [the above quote is from my riding buddy Thomas Hash] But seriously. I have been dreading this day since the day I officially decided I was going cross country. Crossing the blue ridge mountains was a scary prospect, but I am VICTORIOUS! The climb was hard, but honestly it was still so enjoyable. Views aplenty. And the downhills were BOMB, especially the 3-mile straight downhill coming into Vesuvius where we have camp for the night. I almost flew off the mountain a couple times, and had to stop in the middle to let my wheel cool down from the brakes' friction. Insanity. Anyways, what I thought would be the worst day ever was the best so far of this trip, if not MY LIFE. There is nothing like cruising down the blue ridge parkway going at ultra high speeds downhill with the wind on your body and just a little aluminum under you. Now, for a few side notes explaining why I love bike touring so much (so far): 1. You see so much! Not only just land and farms you would never see otherwise, but every flower and view and animal and bug you pass is noticed. For instance, many of you may have driven on the blue ridge parkway before, but did you know there are centipedes ALL OVER it, creepin and crawling or squishes into the asphalt? Well, there are, and I saw'em. 2. You eat so much (great) food. Since I've begun I have eaten two special k protein bars, a nature valley bar, 3 fiber one bars (;)gotta stay regular), so much candy, a mega slim Jim, a whole bag of goldfish, some other power bar, a whole pizza, a milkshake, an Archer from Arch's in cville, a Gus burger and fries,a huge plate of spaghetti with about 8 meatballs and four large pieces of garlic bread, a ham and egg bagel from Bodo's, a pink lady apple and apple cider donut from a farm in Crozet, a pastrami and ham sandwich and BBQ chips at a "deli" in Love, a strawberry shortcake ice cream bar, and probably more but that's all I remember now. 3. You get so much time just to think and be calm and pray, (especially when you can't keep up with your group) Roadkill count: 26 (now I must mention, several of these have been snakes, which don't seem as valid as other roadkill, but see my criteria below and you will understand where I'm coming from.) Criteria for roadkill categorization: the subject in question for roadkill classification must either A) have the form of an identifiable animal, or B) smell so bad and be covered in flies that even if it is indistinguishable you know it must have at one time been alive. Bugs do not count. and neither do banana peels. On to Troutville tomorrow, nighty night


  1. Dude it sounds like you're having a blast. Hope you're taking lots of pictures.. SN: roadkill count... interesting lol

  2. Abolous in the USA
    ridin her bike, just peddlin away
    climbing the mountains and speedin down hills
    supa stunna slick like her rapping skills
    eating some food to fill her belly
    looking at dead things that are real smelly
    writing a blog when she hits the camp
    yes Abolous is a real champ

    xox Reezy

    1. And the award for my favorite comment goes to: Yung Reezy!

  3. Great post, Abs. Thanks for the reflections. Say some prayers for Ash and I while you're making those climbs! ...I wish I could be out there with you bombing those downhills... Love you. - Zach

  4. you would have a record of all the food you've consumed.

