Monday, May 14, 2012

Transamerica Twenty-Twelve

Today I began my trek across the country on my bike with two fine gentleman whom I only met this morning. My parents dropped me off in Yorktown, and my aunt met us there to see me off, and all six of us ate breakfast then Michael, Thomas and I dipped our back tires in the York River and were off! We missed a turn within the first two minutes, but this was no bad omen; the rest of the day went swimmingly and even though I haven't ridden seriously in a whole and only slept four hours last night I felt great on the road. In total we only made one more wrong turn for the day, bringing us to two small map-reading mistakes, we saw three turtles (one dead)and two groundhogs, and we've met a whole lot of great people already! OJJ or Orange jersey John or Dirty Jersey John rode with us for a while after meeting us at our first bathroom break, and "Frederick" from Frederick, Maryland (actually AJ) passed us early on but we are now staying at the same place for the night (Willis united Methodist church). There are three Netherlandish people at the church tonight, too, one couple Danielle and Stan and coincidentally Elaine rolled in hours later unknowing of her fellow country men. The church is great, I get to sleep on a couch for the first night and embrace a dry, warm, safe place to begin the journey smoothly. Anyways, I took zero pictures today because I was always too lazy to get my camera out and I am quite sunburned on my back (shoulda listened to ya momma), but hopefully I pick up my game and do better in the days to come. Honestly I'm pretty surprised at myself that I actually wrote this little thing up, so if you're reading it, consider yourself lucky;) Thomas and I had a few good singing while riding seshes, and now "good morning" from Singing in the Rain is stuck in my head, but for now I shall say Good Night. Abi Roadkill count:2


  1. Abi, what an amazing thing you are doing! You have always been a girl who had big dreams! Way to go! Where are traveling to? I will keep checking in on you and your adventure! Stay safe and have lots of fun! Love, Leigh Marquay

    1. I'm ending in San Francisco! It's gonna be a long trip. But thanks, ms Dodson (I mean Marquay ;) !

  2. Glad to hear you had a safe, successful, and singsongy first day! Keep the updates coming. We'll see if you start to get sore in a few days!
    Love, Zach

  3. I was glad to hear you had posted more than just tweets..they are just too short for me who is quite curious about how things are going. I almost mentioned sunscreen yesterday when we spoke...I hope you at least have some with you! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  4. Keeping posting on here dude, and good luck!!! soo proud of you

  5. Hey I cant get my comments to post!

