Sunday, May 20, 2012

"Just Wait til I Hit Puberty."

Says Michael. In reference to what, you ask? Probably everything. Anyways, today was a great day! Last night we had a phenomenal dinner and Thomas' farm was stellar as were his parents, and then I got a bed for the second night in a row so that was restful and glorious. This morning we took it slow: ate a supa breakfast cooked by Thomas' pop and then we went to church, and then went to Thomas' bike shop to get Michael his kickstand bolt and we finally got on the road by about 12:45. We're now in Wytheville, Va after a shorter 45mile ride, to promote the restful vibes of the day. It was hot, but good, and the ride was hilly but pleasant. Today was the first day that my first gear was really struggling though; my bike isn't geared as low as theirs since it's just a roadie, but I just pushed through it and Addie made it here just fine, being the loyal steed she is. We're camping on a stage thing tonight, right by a pretty little creek which I just washed myself in.and Thomas brought a solar-powered/crank radio which I think I shall play some jams on soon and do some performing on the afore-mentioned stage;) We also met a great couple going east, Abbi and Evan, who started in Illinois and were from Colorado. They offered me a place to stay when I come through their area which apparently I will, so that was nice; thanks, y'all! Annnnd that's that. Onto somewhere tomorrow. Still excited for Kentucky, though now I'm scared because Abbi and Evan warned us about a pack of crazy city dogs who chased 'em--yikes. Roadkill count: 71 (72 if you count the discarded Barbie, poor Barbie, sometimes people just can't help but hate you because you're beautiful. I would know)

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