Thursday, May 31, 2012


Yesterday: we started in Sebree,ky, and took the ferry to Illinois at Cave In Rock, IL. We checked out the cave and then rode a few more miles to Tower Rock where we swam in the Ohio river and Thomas built a lovely fire which we got to sit by for the rest of the night. We ate two boxes of Kraft Mac and cheese and two PBP(peanut butter pecan sandwiches). I slept mighty well on that rocky ground. This morning it was up an at 'em and after a few miles we stopped for a huge breakfast in Elizabethtown. We rode about 70some miles (who knows anymore #whatwemisswithoutmichael #bikecomputersareforsquares) anyways, it was a pretty hilly day, but it was fine and Illinois has been beautiful thus far. The second to last road we rode on today, N. Lick Creek rd., was some of the prettiest land we've passé so far I'd have to say. Farm utopia. All aglow. Wonderful. We're camping at a really pretty spot on a lake tonight, devil's kitchen. And tomorrow we cross the Mississippi. Oh also I should mention: sebree was the official 1,000mile point on route, so by now we've probably done about 1,140 miles. Groovalicious. Roadkill count: 312 (yesterday we had less than 10! That's the first time for that since like the second day)

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