Friday, June 1, 2012


Today we rode from our camping spot at Devils Kitchen to the last stop in Illinois, Chester, right on the Mississippi. We got a late start. Not fully waking up til about 9, and then yogi-ing some food from the family camping near us. They hooked us up with cereal, mountain dew, cheese, and grapes and sent us tuna to go. We didn't hit the road til 1030. But the high for the day was 70 if that, so there was no heat to beat. I think we beat all the heat outta the air for a while this past weekend. I actually rode in my sweatshirt all day. We took the Mississippi levee alternate route which put us on flat land for most of the day, but the headwinds/side winds were intense. It was cool though, I felt kinda like I was back in Vb riding at sea level along the Atlantic ocean (I miss you Atlantic). We got to Chester and at the Fraternal order of the Eagles where we planned to stay there is actually a fair going on this weekend. So we get live music and carnival food complete with funnel cake! Also, the adventure cycling organized TransAm tour is here for the night too, so we've met some of them and we're gonna ride with them tomorrow. Cool beans. Now, to mention a few observances I've made of Illinois in our short two and a half day visit. 1)their school zone speed limits are 20, rather than 25-- tells me: they care 5mph more about their children here than we do in Ol' Virginny. 2)the fine listed for the offense of littering is $50; whereas in Kentucky it was $500--this tells me one of three things: a) they care $450 less per person about the environment, b) Illinoisans are cheaper and therefore $50 is enough of an incentive not to litter, or c) they are more conscious and less likely to litter so they need less of an incentive. 3) the bike route signs have made appearances again but not at every turn or in any organized way--tells me: they care, at least sporadically, about cyclists. 4)the roads are the worst we've ridden on yet--one of two things: a)they're rugged and don't care or b) the corrupt govt of Illinois has priorities in other places than the rural southern part of the state. 5) it is not a very creative state, as witnessed by names such as "Cave in Rock" cave, "Little Grassy" camping area, "No Name road", and "Big Muddy river". Roadkill count: 324

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