Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sir Isaac, Fig, Olivia _____ John

Yes, tonight we have found ourself in the town which takes its name from all of the above: Newton, Kansas.
We rode around 75 miles today, a majority of the way with a 20-25 mph sidewind threatening to blow me off the road, but for 17 miles we got to ride it as a tailwind and that was ballin.
When we really pedaled, we flew; but most of the time I was just having fun, playing around. If you thought I was a goofball, put me on a bike in a 25 mph tailwind and you really get to see me become a child again. I played the "let's see how long you can go without pedaling" game, I rode about half the time with no hands, pretending I was a bird or lassoing something, and it was all great.
We are staying in a hotel tonight, so that's groovy, because there was possibly gonna be severe thunderstorms tonight, so Thomas' dad graciously sponsored us--thanks, Mr. Hash!

Today was also the end to our fourth week on the road; tomorrow begins five. Crazy. I'm gonna get my bottom bracket, which decided to start creaking,replaced at the bike shop here in town.
To anyone coming through Newton: go to braum's, the restaurant right off route when you get into town; the ice cream was supa fab (I would know, I'm pretty much a connoisseur)

Annnnd the roadkill count: 486 (I jinxed myself thinking we'd have less than ten, because there were only like four all day until a couple miles out of newton. Slash all except one were birds or snakes, so basically they don't count but oh well)

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