Monday, June 25, 2012


Today we rode 91 miles, from Lamont to Lander. And the vast majority of those miles were fighting a ferocious headwind. I'm talking, this headwind was threatening to stop me going down a 6% grade.
Nevertheless, I've decided Wyoming is a very under-appreciated state and it deserves some more good attention. Beautiful scenery, cool people and towns, and good riding, aside from the gale-force winds.
One of my favorite people met on the trip thus far resides in Jeffrey City, our lunch stop. He's the bartender/waiter/whatever, and also a potter who lets cyclists camp in a trailer he has. Super cool and funny slash seems real young but rocks the gray hair and beard. Only leaves his home in Jeffrey city, that has a population of around 50, to go to town like once a month when he needs groceries or something.
Anyways, my third day in Wyoming was long and tiresome, however I learned some cool facts. For instance, their state motto is actually just a wave. An unspoken/unwritten motto; this is why on the first day I waved at every car that passed and though I meant to keep it up for the whole state, I failed and let it fade. Also, the state tree is a rock, and the state flower is a wildflower that Thomas and I have seen a lot along the shoulders we've been riding on; it's called Shattered Brown Glass, of the Genus Beer Bottle.

Tomorrow we climb.

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