Monday, June 11, 2012

Bottom Bracket Bummin

We took a short day today and are in Hutchinson for the night; it's off the route, but the bike shop in Newton wasn't so much of a bike shop, so hutchinson was the closest option, unless I wanted to wait until Pueblo.
We took our lunch stop in Buhler and met an eastbound cyclist. Cool German guy. When we got to Hutchinson we walked around downtown a lot. Played in a little water park thing with fountains for kids to play in. Watched a snapping turtle. Ate at a bar/deli. Got blizzards. The usual.

Soooo now the bike shop has my widdle bikey and will be replacing my bottom bracket; it'll be done sometime tomorrow morning. We're at a bike hostel in a Lutheran church. It's pretty nice and we get to watch a movie!

Roadkill count: 502 (we broke 500. Half a grand. Can I get a woop woop for the amount of dead things I have seen?!....)

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