Saturday, June 16, 2012

Ad Astra Per Aspera

That Latin phrase is Kansas' state motto, and I will speak more on this shortly. First, recap of yesterday:
It was our monthiversary on the road. We rode 80 miles from Ness City to Leoti, and once we arrived in Leoti we got hooked up with the laundromat and washed our clothes for the first time in forever. We didnt leave the laudromat and get to dinner til 830 and it was looking like it was about to storm like crazy on us. I had the best gorditas ever though, at Charlie's Mexican Restaurant. We left to go find the park and set up our tents in the dark and blustery wind. We got to thw park and in the field next to it their had to be like 4 combines still going at it, harvesting late into the night. setting up the tents was a doozy, but i slept well. Honestly last night has to be top three best nights of the trip. So funny, so cool.
And today: we crossed into Colorado from Kansas. Kansas was nice, and it was good to us, but definitely not my favorite of the states we've come through. The state motto means, "through hardships to the stars" and it seems quite fitting for our Kansan experiences.
1) headwinds/sidewinds
2) some of the longest gaps yet between towns with services to snack slash fill up water and the like
3) my bike literally crumbling under my butt, but not literally.
4) Thomas and I's first fight (gasp!) (and it was of the fist variety, obviously I won)
5) Thomas having to reconcile with his hate for flat land
And all of these bring us to the stars, aka Colorado, aka almost 12,000 feet up in the sky.

So tonight we're in Haswell, population 84, (and no service so actually i wont be able to post this til tomorrow morning) about 70 miles past the Colorado border, because did I mention, oh yeah, today I did the first century of my life. Rounding in at like 103 miles.
There's a wicked storm/sunset happening a couple miles away, we'll see if it gets to us.
Bye Kansas, thank you for the mist as I rode past the irrigation systems in a 20mph side wind, and thank you for some great cloud shadows, and thanks for the best pie of my life, and thanks for the most uninitiated waves by passing motorists, and for introducing me to gorditas.
Roadkill count: 557

1 comment:

  1. thanks for blogging - I look forward to reading them every day :)

