Saturday, June 9, 2012

A-HA? By George? Great Scott?

Eureka! Kansas. We rode around 95 miles today from somewhere outside of Walnut to Eureka today. We had the most intense wind as of yet; most of the time it was just a crazy sidewind but when we got to turn and ride the tailwind it was like flying, slash when we turned into it it was ridiculous. The flag picture gives an image of what we were working with. But at least it was keeping us a little cooler on this hot day.

We made a stop in Chanute after about 30 miles and went to the Safari Museum, which was pretty cool, and a necessary stop since Thomas has been a safari man all trip in his safari shirt. We took another stop in Toronto, about 20 miles out from Eureka, and had the best turkey sandwich to date on this trip, plus the guy who worked the deli/general store was the cutest Kansanian/kansanite I've met yet. So nice; and lamenting the difficulty in finding produce in the Midwest he was happy to be able to put lettuce, tomato, and onion on our sammies.

We're camping again tonight. And we got showers at the pool, but unfortunately there is a private party going on in the pool so we can't swim.

I like Kansas so far.

Roadkill count: 474, and OH YEAH! I made my first turtle save for the trip! Thomas was ahead today and I guess the turtle hadn't come out yet when he passed, so the baby was all mine to protect. This brings our total turtle save count to ten!

1 comment:

  1. Yea!!! another turtle saved - sounds like a Great Day.

