Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Rain, rain come again

The morning started with me waking up at 5:20 to loud thunder, warning me of the storm that was about to break loose, so I got up to put my rain fly on my tent and then crawled back in, after two hours of sleeping through torrential downpour and lightning and thunder, I awoke to start getting ready for the day. When Thomas and I were about ready, another storm cloud had moved in and literally as soon as I hopped on my bike buckets started coming down. I rode the short mile to the Rough river lodge and by the time I got there literally looked like I had jumped in a swimming pool but it was warm rain and I honestly had a blast in the very short ride that it was, laughing and singing to myself, as I so often do. Thomas arrived about a half hour later after giving up trying to wait out the rain in the laundry room at the camping site and we went down to grab some breakfast in the restaurant. After we ate we figured that since we were already wet we might as well just ride on. We were having a grand old time, hooting and hollering all through the insane downpour and thunderstorm. Honestly some of the most fun riding I've had yet. Definitely in the top ten. It was coming from every angle: my back wheel, the sky, Thomas' tire in front of me. So hilarious . We rode in that for about 2 and a half hours. The rest of the day it cleared up and was just cloudy enough to be not too hot and very pleasant. More of the fun rolling hills today, which made the 70 miles on route to Sebree, KY quite enjoyable. Now, I'm horribly sad that I forgot yesterday to mention in the blog about Thomas' fifth turtle save, so that's what I'm doing now, and on top of this, today he saved TWO more, bringing the total to seven. He's the Turtle Whisperer. We are staying at probably my favorite place so far, the first baptist church in Sebree. The pastor and his wife, Bob and violet, are literally the cutest nicest most generous people you'll meet; violet cooked us dinner complete with chicken pit pie, spaghetti and meat sauce, Lima beans, broccoli, garlic bread, and WATERMELON. It was bomb. And she even gave us ice cream for dessert:) couldn't be happier. Tomorrow will be great, I can feel it. Roadkill count: 289 (and I've decided that road kill is way grosser when wet)


  1. Wet road kill. Gross. Chicken pit pie. Yum.

  2. I miss you Abi! I hope you are having a good time. Love you, Zoe:)

    1. I miss you too, Zoe! So much! Hope I can see you soon, and thanks!

