Saturday, May 26, 2012

D(et)oura the Explora

And that's all I have to say about that. Haha Today was a a great day. Today was a hot day. In the 90's. I sweat like a pig, but on a bike it all gets blown away, so basically at the end of the day my skin just looks like what the Dead sea would look like if it were drained. We rode from Berea to the Lincoln Homestead state park near Springfield, KY. We rode most of the day but took an awesome hour long ice cream break in Harrodsburg, the oldest city in KY, founded in 1774. It was really cute, and my waffle cone of superman icecream was just what I needed to get me through the last 25 miles in the sun. But about at the point where we only had like 7 miles left, a little delirium from the sun baking my brain must have set in, and I think I was scaring Thomas un poco. That's alright, he's gotta discover my insanity at some point. It's still really hot and will be really hot tomorrow,but we have a shorter day, slash we're champions, so it'll be fine. The church hunt begins. Oh, and Happy Memorial day weekend! Roadkill count: 212! We've officially broken 200.

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