Tuesday, December 13, 2011

"Make Art, Not A's"

So I've been doing a lot of crafting and such, when really I should be studying for the four finals I still have left. But I can't help it. 'Tis the season for gifting, and this year, most of my gifts are hand made.
I just finished a necklace pendant DIY that I found on Sincerely, Kinsey's blog and even though it's not for me, I wore it today to debut to the world, and I've gotten so many compliments. Success!
I really like my choice of beads. :)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Air is Cooling Down

September has welcomed in some cool weather already, and I don't know how to feel about it. I don't want to be excited for beautiful, crisp, glorious-smelling Autumn winds, because the only thing they mean is that  bitter, cruel, and painfully long Winter is knocking on the door.
However, I do love sweaters. So being able to wear them is great, but weighing sweaters, or sun and fun and outside times on a scale is pretty lopsided for me. My heart will always lie with Summer.

But the seasons gotta change.

Change is great, if it's purposeful and happy, but sometimes it's not.
I've never been one to change due to external factors. People influence people always, but a person should never let another person cause them to change in negative ways. Being dragged down by others, especially friends, is really hard to deal with, because most of the time you don't notice the damage until it's done. And then how do you correct it? Or do you not. Do you justify it away? Do you forget that you were ever different?
It happens. But keeping priorities straight is so necessary, even though it seems like one of the hardest things to do, especially at college. There is so much going on all the time, in every sense, and if you can just grab onto a few things at once, you're doing well. But which things do you choose?

I know who I am, or at least I know who I want to be, and I know that I want to live that out. So many of my conflicting ideas and thoughts have intersected to create a complex diagram of who I define myself as. I confuse myself all the time, while maintaining surety in some sort of an ultimate goal, even if it is semi-generic at this point. My spontaneous nature calls for drastic actions and absurd adventures at times, but I can't get lost in the side-show. I am at one of the climaxes of my life this year with graduation from college, I don't really feel like losing myself now. I want to do life right.

First things first: this paper.

Song of the Day: Change the World- Eric Clapton---it will change your world.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Onto Week 2.

This was my last first week of undergraduate! (haha)
...if I graduate that is.
But hopefully I will.
I need to do grad school applications! Craaaap.

Life is crazy; I just got back from CCM council retreat where I was tubing on a lake all yesterday, and somehow that made my back soo sore so now I feel similar to how I imagine an elderly person feeling.
I'm also planning a spring break trip, and trying to find anyone who is interested on going with me. I want to do something epic and intense, a college spring break like the ones you always hear about in the movies and stuff. I've been looking into the Dominican Republic and that sorta thing; the more affordable tropical destinations.

Song of the Day:
"To Try for the Sun" Donovan Leitch

Monday, August 15, 2011

Back 2 Sk00l

I arrived at the University of Mary Washington yesterday at around 1230ish, and am finally all unpacked, I just have to organize some things. I've had two packed days or RA stuff already, and this is just the beginning. The day isn't over yet, right now I'm starting to work on the door dec(oration)s for my residents.
I can't believe this is real. I can't believe summer is actually over. Sam and Katie were at the beach today? Don't tell me that's allowed without me.
But I have just been going buck here, and I don't think anyone knows how to handle my craziness. Usually I tone it down when I first meet people, but I just can't hold back anymore. Plus it was hard to hold back when I was working with an hour and a half of sleep. I started packing for school at 430 in the morning when I had to leave by 9 on Sunday, and go to mass at 730. Who's smart? Me.
But I don't regret it. I had an awesome last night hanging out with Sam and Katie. They made me an early birthday cake which was delishhhhh, we beached it, we made homemade veggie burgers, we chilled, we jumped off the loading dock at 61st street, and so much else that was just hilarious and awesome.

I've been thinking about getting my facebook back, not because I want it, but because I want to be in contact with people that I won't be seeing, that I had to leave back in VB. But I feel like this would be the worst time to get it back, when I'm about to be so busy with school and everything. It's so distracting, which is why I deleted it in the first place. We'll see.

Song of the Day: Stir it Up- Bob Marley. Because it was my HR's ringtone. embrace.

Monday, August 8, 2011

6 Days!

6 days of summer left
2 days with Virginia
2 days until Becca comes visit
3 days until Sam comes home
3 days until the first and last Fab 4 sleepover of the summer

But summer only really ends when I let it.
Work is seeming very tedious these days, I just wanna have fun! But I must be responsible (which is why I'm spending my time waiting for Virginia starting to pack)
So Many things to do in so little time.
I just got a bunch of stuff on tax free weekend, for school. Including three pairs of overalls, yep, I'm bringing 'em back. School is going to be hilarious, slash my presence at school is going to be hilarious.

I wonder if I could pull off not taking a shower until I have to leave for school? It's already been since Thursday so, I could make it six more, right? Why not? We'll see.
I'm also realizing how hilarious this summer was, and how much it feels like it hasn't existed. Sam and I never finished our tree house, stupid broken wrist and then vacations. We still have some time though! I didn't finish any grad school applications; still time! I tore my ACL again....I have nothing redeeming to say about that, besides, "suck it up, kid" to myself. There have been no waves at all this summer until these past few days and yesterday I couldn't even go outttttttttt, but I am today and I did the day before. I have only seen Becca like 3 times? Stupid Richmond, but she is coming on Wednesday!

Long Live Summer 2011!

song of the day: I want it to be Knee Deep again because I just love that so much, but Here for a Good Time- George Strait is playing right now, and it sounds about right for my present state, so I choose it. "I ain't here for a long time, I'm here for a good time"

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Country Music and Counting Down

As always when I get back from the outer banks I listen to so much country music because thats all Laurel and Jessie sing. I'm diggin' it, though. Tim McGraw's voice kills me, and all of Lady Antebellum's and Zac Brown band's songs rock my world.

The last few days have been so summer-worthy, and I'm stoked on it, but it's all bittersweet seeing as I only have ten days left to embrace the beauty and heat and carefree bummin' of summer break.
I did have an epiphany the other day though: why be bummed about going to school? Because there's no beach, air conditioning, or vb friends? Or because there is a lot of homework and responsibility? No, none of that matters! I shouldn't be bummed, it's my last year of undergrad and I know I want to live it up and not wish these next nine months would go by quickly. Life moves too fast already, so I've even been at work not wishing the shift would be over, because that's another several hours of sunshine and beach views gone. When I have to leave for school on the 14th, though I may shed a tear, I'm going in optimistically, this year will be what I want it to be, it's my third year on campus so I'm comfortable and i know what I'm doing.
I'm gonna chill with the people I care about and have fun with and I'm not gonna let any chumps bring me down like chumps try to do sometimes. I'm gonna be making money and having fun while also champing out at art history papers and CCM Social duties.

Now the only thing left to do is figure out how I'm gonna manage the breaks and where slash what I'm gonna do. I'm feeling something good brewin' for spring break.

And the waves are supposed to be good this weekend, sick.

Song of the day: these days- rascal flatts. I have seriously been trying to remember this song since like 2007 or something when I went back to the Visneskis house after obx vacation and Laurel had the cd, but then I left and couldn't remember specific lyrics or anything to look it up with, then it came on pandora and I was like yes!!!!!!!! Victory! So now it's the song of the day.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Back from the Outer Banks Again

Just got back from the annual Outer Banks vacay in Kill Devil Hills, NC. Best. Week. Of. The. Year. Hands. Down.

I thought I was going to be sick I was so sad I had to leave, and now it's so over, and I have exactly two weeks until I am back at school, performing RA duties. Kill me now!
Summer came and went faster than ever before definitely. I don't want to go back, no no noooo

Sam and I just wrote out a menu for our restaurant, gonna be baller and it's gonna happen, who WOULDN'T want to eat what we have in store? No one! Anything your hungry heart could desire.
And even besides that I have so many plans, the road trip planning is budding and so many other ideas for next summer and beyond. A year in Europe after that maybe? I can't even deal with that, but how stokular?

My life is in shambles, and so good at the same time.

Song of the day: Go Your Own Way- Fleetwood Mac. haha, just kidding
Knee Deep-Zac Brown Band

Monday, June 27, 2011

Dude, Crap, iPhone?

I have an upgrade coming soon from Verizon, and I am very tempted to get an iPhone with it. Yes it's still 200 dollars, but...it's awesome. The desire is becoming too strong to overcome. I'm scared for myself.

In other news, I did Zumba today, and went crazy, and had a lot of fun. It was great. A woman said I was hilarious. bam.
Becca's coming over soon.
I kinda want to read Order of the Phoenix and not deal with people, but I'm excited to see her, because it's been a while.
Virginia comes tomorrow! And I don't work til Friday! Woo! but at the same time, booo because I need hours.
I'm going to apply at a dog kennel/groomer right near me, because they have a sign out saying they need a bather. The money might be good? We'll see if they hire me. They probably won't. but I like to be negative about this sort of thing, so we'll see.

Also: Chicago in the fall? badabingbadaBOOM

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Funnel Cakes in the Rain

Today has felt like at least 4 days.
Started off with breakfast and a bible study with actually I feel like a pretty random group of young adults from Virginia Beach and Norfolk, then came home.
Then Sam came over. We dyed a streak of her hair bright blue and tanned.
We then both went to work for the same company at two different places.
I sat in a crowd of sand soccer players and viewers, bored and distraught, for a few hours. Made 13 dollars in tips.
Then Joanna came! and we talked and she made me feel happy and let time pass quicker for the last 2 hours of my shift. Also, I traded a couple ice creams for a funnel cake for Jo and I to split. I was so stoked on that, and it was GOOD.
Then we had to walk 6 blocks back to her car in the heavy rain. Wet and gross.
Then she took me to my car and I went home.
One of the best moments of the day, though: about to turn into my neighborhood coming home from work and none other than Phil Collins' "In the Air Tonight" comes on, so I got to do a little air drumming right before I pulled safely into my driveway.

I will finish Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone tonight (unless I fall asleep)
p.s. Yes, I gave up on Little Women without looking back. I needed Harry Potter at the moment.

I want to soak up the rays, and get my feet wet. I want to run through the daze, and not make a safe bet. (spontaneous poetry exercise)

Song for the day: Go Your Own Way- Fleetwood Mac

Friday, June 10, 2011

Presto, Pesto

Our herb garden has been taunting me, I want to make a lot of things with fresh herbs.
Tonight I think I'll make pesto, for the fam.

I also have an urge to shop. These come infrequently for me, but they do come, and so all I really want to do today is go to the mall with my momma and get clothes. But that isn't happening since I must work again, (p.s. I've been riding my bike everywhere, commuting to work, riding to church and the beach, and going on pleasure rides, saving money on gas and getting muscles, hopefully.) and then I'm going to have a Zombie movie night with some friends. Thrilling (?) I'm in it just for the society.

I finished Jane Eyre by the way (Dear Everyone, Read it!) and now I'm reading Little Women, I'm scared it won't be quite as exciting or drawing as Jane was, and from the first 50 pages, I already know it isn't (at least not for me) but hopefully it will be a good read.
Then...I may have to do the Harry Potter Series again, in anticipation of July 15 when Deathly Hallows Part 2 comes out. Yikes!

 Song for the day: Brand New Key- Melanie Safka

My Bike!

here it is, bold&beautiful.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

So I think I've mentioned the Road Trip...

Well, by no means am I letting that dream die, but why not kill two birds with one stone?

                Cross Country trip, on bike.

I'd see all I wanted to see, granted, take more time than a car, but also save the Earth a little bit (ha) and see things at more of a natural pace. The pace at which the first pioneers would have experience America. If I graduate and I have the time, and I was planning on doing a cross-country car trip anyways, why not use the budget and time I was going to use by car and use it instead on my cycling tour?!

1. I'd get ripped.
2. Even more than with a trip by car, I would NEVER forget this experience.
3. Definite bragging rights.
4. So fun!
5. I'd probably see so much more.
6. Carbon footprint almost totally extinguished.
7. Bamiddy Bam

Now, you may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not.. going to disagree. I'm also not going to say that these dreams won't occur, because I just GOT MY NEW BIKE TWO DAYS AGO, and I'm ready to make waves.

Those friends that were all down about a cross country road trip--probably won't want to bike with me. Eh, you win some, you lose some. I'm straight with going solo.

Two goals:
1. Plan it.
2. Figure out how to minimize the load I would be carrying with me. Yes, it is possible for me to ride with 100 extra pounds, but is it necessary? I'm willing to say it's not.

Friday, June 3, 2011

New Bike!

I'm so very stoked-- that I have my new bike!
Saving money on gas is about to resume. I've got zero money after this big expense, but it will all be worth it, and if I didn't act soon I would never have a bike.
Anyways, I am going to ride it to work tomorrow. Then it's the Beach Boys concert at 5th street for FREE! Woo!
June has begun, and so has my reading of Jane Eyre. I decided to retire Les Mis for now, because it's such a slow read, and I'm pretty busy with work and friends, and my mom was so insisting on Jane Eyre instead. It's really good so far, I'm only on page 100 or something, but it's flying by. We'll see what I'll read once I finish this little number.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Don't Stop Us Now

Sam and I just got back from the Outer Banks. It was super rad, and let me tell you we are the gnar-est kids on the block, not to mention the gnar stuff soon to be coming your way.

I haven't read in forever, since I've been gone for four days. So I'll do that tonight.
I got my first paycheck today. 90 dollars, haha, woo. So many applications I have done. So many interviews. No results. Lindsay told me her boss was gonna call me sometime this week, but that was Tuesday and I've got nothing. We'll see.
We ran Tuesday and Wednesday morning; about 4 miles, on the beach. raddad.

Rhymes are all my mind works in after this week. It's insane, and I don't know when it will stop. Hopefully never.

Monday, May 16, 2011

I Want to Travel the World

I could be a trekking guide, crew on a yacht, a travel photographer, a teacher of English as a second language, a straight writer for National Geographic or Surfing Magazine, or just anything.
Seriously I feel like there are so many options no one thinks about.
Just imagine me cruising on a yacht, just being the cook or something while I make headway across the Atlantic, down the African Coasts, into Asia, and through the Pacific, just going CRAZY!

I'm in a career crisis. Screw Art History careers. I love learning about it, but what the heck am I gonna do after I get my Master's in Art History.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


I just finished Cold Mountain. It was really good. Everyone should read it.

I will start Les Mis now. Which will be a task, but I'm excited.

I should also mention how yesterday after I posted I ran another mile and a half, making my total for the day 4.8 miles! Woot.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Bummin' and Runnin'

Today I didn't do anything but make breakfast and watch several movies until 6 o'clock in the evening.
So I decided to run 3.3 miles. It felt so good.
Now I'm back and mourning the fact that I've been home for 2 weeks and have worked two shifts. Job search has been so unsuccessful it's ridiculous. However, it may be looking up soon. I've got an interview on Monday.

Here's the thing: Virginia Beach is one of the biggest cities in Virginia with a huge tourist economy and probably one million restaurants and I can't find a freaking job. It's disheartening. At least I've been able to beach it up, and do a bunch of reading in my down time.

A little over halfway through Cold Mountain at this point, and it's legit. I recommend it.
Now it's time for an ab-workout. And Katie's coming over. Tonight is my last night of freedom before my parents come back tomorrow from Myrtle Beach. But I'm glad; I've been a regular housewife, running this house on my own this whole week.

More art will come soon, and sometime I will get to posting pictures of my last mosaic and the painting I did for my mom.

song of the day: The Gambler-Fun.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Final Grades

Just had my second day of work.
I'm past page 100 in Cold Mountain, and it's going well so far. Now, I think its nap time.

I ended the semester well though:
Northern Baroque: A
Roman Art: A
Mosaics: A
Music and Society: A
Post-Impressionism to Abstract Expressionism: A-
Intro to Creative Writing: B+

Friday, May 6, 2011

First Day of Work

On my quest to find a new job, I have been so far unsuccessful, so I am being schedule by Coldstone, to hold me over, until someone else hires me. Which I hope happens.
Today will be my first day working. 3-10/11 on 8th street, if they don't cancel due to the weather.

I've finished two books in the past 3 days. The Princess Bride and The Last Battle. They were both good, and now I must move on. Should I read Cold Mountain or Les Mis next?

I also painted something for my mom for Mother's day yesterday. It's a picture of St. Cecilia, her patron saint. But I'm really not happy with it. It's my first time painting this sort of thing, a figural piece. I've only ever drawn them before, and I didn't think how much different and harder it would be to get paint to work with you like a pencil does. Anyways, it looks a little Van Gogh-y, which I was kinda going for, and I spent a while on it, so I will give it to her anyways, and if she decides to trash it, that is up to her. (but she's my mother, so she never would, haha)
Now I'm off to help at the YOA golf tournament until I must go to work.
Katie comes home tonight, and Sam tomorrow! my world is getting better. Plus, Olivia will be back in June for the rest of the summer!
Mom's St. Cecilia

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Job Searchin'

Brian just left. We had a nice, long beach day yesterday, and it was glorious. I'm a little burned on my neck because I forgot to apply sunscreen there, but it's not too bad.
Today I'm going to go out and follow up on some jobs as well as also apply to Yanni's, because they are advertising that they're hiring. Then I need to go to Target and look for some new bathing suits for this year.
Stoked it's Summer!
I also might start a book today.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Scrubbing the Walls in a Lizard Skirt

All of my roommates are gone...but I AM DONE WITH FINALS!
Now I get to pack and clean. A LOT. 

Suspected Final Grades:
Northern Baroque- I know I got an A, he told me in an email
Post-Impressionism- I got an A on the midterm, and I don't know the paper or final, but I'm hoping it'll be an A or B
Roman-A, I hope. (A on paper and midterm!)
Music and Society-A
Intro to Creative Writing-B or A. but I got a B the first half, and though I did better the second half, we will see, because the two teachers meet together and "discuss" the students and "decide" what grade they deserve. Too subjective.

Seems pretty legit.
May 7th (graduation) I'll officially be a Senior.
Summer now!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

It's All Coming to a Close

It's finally hitting me that this year is over. I still have one more final, but everyone else seems to be done. Catherine has already left the apartment, and Mary Beth is in the midst of moving out. It's definitely bittersweet. I'm stoked for summer, but I know I'll never live with these girls again, and I'm sure next year will be very different.
But, wow, I am SUPER stoked for the ocean.

I have a major list of things I want to read this summer: The Princess Bride, Les Miserables, My Left Foot, Cold Mountain, and I still need to read the Last Battle to finish my re-read of the Narnia series. Also, the new Harry Potter trailer was released last night at midnight, and it was so intense. So I want to read that again, too.

This blog will probably serve as a reading update as well as a place to post my latest art projects (last mosaic coming soon)
Time to study for Roman Art. 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Don't Worry Baby

Listening to Beach Boys and studying for finals: "Everything will turn out alright." Especially because:

He is Risen!
Happy Easter, everyone! Woo!

We can finally eat again and everything. Cool stuff, I can't believe it's already Easter; this year is flying by, and finals commence tomorrow! Wow--Hellloooo Summer.

In 6 days, I'll be back home, job hunting and basking in the glory of the summer sun. Summer makes me feel alright, as in, all is right.
My skin turns brown, my hair turns white, I never have to shower, I'm always in the ocean and the sand, I make money, I get to read so much, I can wear dresses or shorts everyday, and there's practically no stress. Pure love. I'm stoked.
Just 5 days, one mosaic, and four written exams left until VB freedom.
However, I will miss things. Well, people. My CCM friends, my roommates, Jean Ann Dabb, and Brian. But I'll see them. Except Jean Ann...lame.

But think, this is my last summer as an undergraduate college student. That sounds like fantasy; I don't believe it. Four months of summer approximately, then another 9ish months of college which will FLY by, and then I GRADUATE, on May 12 of 2012, as a 20-year-old.
I'll leave the comments on this one open to people's advice on what I should do with my life...Go!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Craisins are Amazin'z

I love craisins. They've possibly been added to my list of top 10 favorite snack foods. (Stay tuned for the reveal of that list)
I can't wait for the next time I get to eat a fish taco.
I'm already thinking about next Lent, and the things I can do. I know I am probably way jumping the gun.
I have a lot of goals for this summer, and I hope that they come to fruition.
Volleyball tournament this weekend.

here's a completely unfinished poem. about mosaicing. I don't like the state it's in, but I don't want to look at it anymore for now. and it also just chops off at the end, completely with no ending. here you go:

My thumb swells from a hammer’s fall,
Toughened flesh between metal.
The stone crumbled and chipped,
breaking the mold from a desired square.
A pile of cubes strewn across the table
lays recklessly in color groups,
ready for peculiar placement,
lined in consecutive rows,
swirling in a parade of unfinished pattern.

The picture is only half done
And the labor is grueling
but each pixel adds to the puzzle
of the segmented artwork
following ancient traditions with modern

Monday, April 11, 2011

A Need for Distraction

This paper is due friday?! I'll write a relatable poem:

Van Gogh

Stars shine in ethereal globes
as cypress trees reach to touch them.
A wind ripples the sky into circles
while the village goes to sleep.

Somewhere close by, the morning sun
will rise over a peasant in a field
and turn the wheat to a golden fire
as the crows flee to a cooler blue sky.

The people are real; heads down
and bodies heavy after a long day.
They sit in the brown room,
eating their brown food.

And his dreams float around the space
in vortexes of color and light
intruding on their peaceful loneliness
and making visions out of portraiture.

Workin' for the Weekend

Sunday night gear-up for the week.
The week before the week before finals. (Next Sunday is Palm Sunday!)
I still need to write about 8 more pages of a paper and create a whole new mosaic. (ideas for that: a rendition of Our Lady of Guadalupe. follow up.)
I should also study.

I went hiking at Sky Meadows yesterday with some kids from the CCM plus Father. It was nice, I want to hike so much more. Council selection is this Friday!
It's supposed to get up to like 87-89 degrees in Fredericksburg tomorrow! That's bonkers, I'm going to die.

Poem sketch (I'll do this when I feel like it):
Deep breaths,
full surrender.

Like a child in His arms,
no feet on the ground,
I kick for release,
but find no strength on the floor.
It's only when I'm held
that I can stand anymore.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

My Mosaic

here's my first tessellated mosaic; it's a wave.
look at it from different angles, and see what you think. there's no set viewing point.

Monday, April 4, 2011

3 L's, straight to the head

Yeah, that's a Lil Wayne quote as my title.

It's beautiful outside today.
I'm Loving this weather
and Longing for summer,
but Loathing this headache.

My stone mosaic is pretty much complete. I just need to go back and fill in the gaps with some thin set tomorrow.

Open Windows

For the breeze's embrace,
open your window.
Let the cool air stain your room
and rustle your sheets.
Let your papers fly to be filed
another time, and
don't fasten the curtains.
The fabric will dance with the blinds
as leaves dance around branches.
The wind will tuck you in,
and tossle your hair from its pins,
ushering you to do a waltz of your own
in time with the chimes.
The melody boasts of color and light,
chuckling tunes of the new season's bloom.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The World

Full fledge into Lent.
Three weeks until exams.
Less than four weeks until Summer.

Where has time gone, and where will it go?

I've applied for an internship for this summer at the library at the Chrysler Museum. So that would be cool. I know I'll be pretty busy this summer, and have less time for the beach, which pains me. But I need to make money, and save money, because at this point I have so little. Next year I'll have an income with the RA job, so that will be great, and hopefully I'll graduate college with at least a petite wealth to my name.
I'm so excited. for everything.

Going to Baltimore with Brian for the baseball game this week (Wednesday) will be fun. Go Orioles. Baseball season has just commenced, this past week, and Brian is super excited. Watching a couple games with him has been cool. I'm already learning. Ask me to recite the teams of the two leagues, American or National, any division. Go ahead, do it.

Artist statement and paper to write today.

listening to: "at the end of the day"-les miserables--(love this musical. want to see it live so badly.)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I Realize it's Been 8 Months

But I need to get these thoughts out.

I'm listening to my "bike ride" playlist from three summers ago, and it's super great, but making me miss so much.

Friends, beach, bike rides, warm weather, high school times, summer, mission trips, car rides, Virginia Beach, home, and a lot of little things that would sound weird listed out.
I love my current life. I've always loved life. But I also always get super weirded out by the super quick movement of time and rapid change that comes with it. I like change. When I dictate. I don't dictate time. Sometimes it's scary.

So many decisions hanging in front of my face. Not to mention four term papers, two mosaics, a portfolio, another paper, two presentations, and a group project. Hey Abi, you're a Junior, remember?

The chapel and my friends are holding me in place these days, and I'm loving every second of stressful, fun, crazy, late-night college life. I can't wait for this weekend, for spring break, for backpacking with Brian, for summer, for graduation, for grad school?for traveling, for living in a tree house, for marriage, for kids, for grandkids, for retirement, for traveling the world's coasts in a houseboat.

Watch out world, here I come.

playing: "The time that I've taken, I pray it's not wasted. Have I already tasted, my piece of one sweet love?" -sara bareilles
love, abi
